Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

So I’m not here to write another think piece on the recent events affecting the black community in America, because I’ve already said all I needed to say here, which by the 1K+ likes and 500+ shares, I’ll take it as a step in the right direction towards understanding the importance of this much needed dialogue within our divided United States.
But beyond that, I’m aware of the frustration, disgust, and utter numbness that’s getting harder to suppress by my fellow African-Americans when these events make international news.
But it’s extremely important for us to not only bind together in peace, but do what’s necessary to decompress and take a break from the madness if we find it to be consuming the better part of us.
I’ve heard every argument in the book as to why blacks are killed at a higher rate, with lazy excuses like if only he wasn’t so black reacted slower, put his hands up sooner, or obeyed more ‘obeyier’, implying he was a “yessa massa” away from having his life spared.
And it’s just tiring to hear from Confederate Flag Connor who’s already dead set on his ways.
We could argue and argue and argue, or we could take a break from the exhaustion of tip-toeing around people’s fears for our skin color in a country we helped build, and just go somewhere where we’re tolerated instead.
Take a break from tip-toeing around people’s fears for your skin color and go where you're celebrated instead. Click To Tweet
Even our beloved Bahamas, of which 90% of the population is black, issued a travel warning for those wanting to visit the U.S. soon. Not the first time either. A sign of the times.
And while travel is an absolute privilege for so many, I want to encourage my fellow black americans who’ve had their passport in hand just waiting for the opportune moment to take off temporarily, that the time is now.
While I’d love to include other continents in the mix, Europe is the one I’ve spent the last 3 years exploring the most. So it’s currently the only continent I can confidently offer suggestions for cities that not only welcome black skin color, but celebrate it as well.
1. Edinburgh, Scotland

Scottish people are some of the most hilarious and genuine people you’ll ever meet.
Not only will they feel comfortable opening up to you with their life story within seconds, but they’ll invite you for a beer, banter about how much they don’t consider themselves British (ha), and find a way to make light of any negative situation.
Collectively, they have some of the best senses of humor and while you’ll only catch every third word or so due to their accents (God bless it), their charm, welcoming spirits, and laid back personalities are the exact type of people you need in your life.
Just don’t go in the winter. Because hashtag, brutal.
2. Berlin, Germany

Berlin is jokingly known as the “poor but sexy” cousin to Munich, but is always a millennial favorite for digital nomads, gap year students, and others just in between jobs and taking time off to travel.
Germany is a pretty liberal country in general, and whether it’s the crazy house parties, the endless selection of cuisines, nudist parks, or the hipster vibe dripping throughout the streets, it’s a city that has something for everybody.
It’s got an amazing international community, so you’ll be bumping elbows with people from all walks of life on a nightly basis.
It’s also without saying that due to the dark Nazi history of Germany, they really have no room to repeat or harbor negativity towards other cultures, and it seems like they make a deliberate effort not to do so.
3. Nice, France

Nice, which sits cozily along the French Riviera, is one of the most colorful, vivacious, and diverse cities in France.
You’re in a melting pot of cultures from around the world, which again means incredibly varied cuisines, and not to mention one of the most beautiful and unique architectural layouts in Europe, because of its mixed Italian and French influence in the past.
Nice is a city I’m always happy to go back to, and if you’re traveling for a longer period of time and you’re short on black hair care products, you’ll have NO problem finding everything you need here.
4. Krakow, Poland

I don’t know what took me so long to discover Poland, but I finally did (thanks, Busabout!) and loved every single minute.
Not only do the Polish people stop and smile at you as you pass them on the street, but you can can feel their warmth and genuine appreciation for you being there in their expressions.
Though the basic words of the Polish language are a challenge to master, they’ll smile at your attempts and will meet you more than halfway with their very high levels of English.
I mentioned it to a couple Aussies how cute it was when elderly people would see me, do a double-take, and look so amazed. And almost on cue, a lady passed by and did exactly what I described, and my Aussie friend couldn’t stop laughing about it.
A Polish friend told me the other day that she’d only met two black people in her life growing up, but assured me that I wouldn’t ever have a problem with not feeling welcomed, and she was right.
Everywhere I went, every restaurant I walked into alone, all eyes were on me.
But not in a terrifying way, but more so a “Wow, how cool to have a black person in our presence!” kind of way. And it’s both awesome and hilarious, and I think every black person needs to experience this and be spoiled forever, lol.
Also while on a bike tour with Cool Tour Company, our Polish guide ended his spiel with a very resounding speech about how much the Jewish community influenced the current state of Krakow, and how he’s so excited about the potential of the city and welcomes all other cultures to continue coming and contributing to what makes Krakow so great. I was moved by his words. Thanks, Wlodek!
5. Budva, Montenegro

Budva is a city that’s on the extreme end of how much black skin can be appreciated abroad — but not as extreme as Italy, which you could read exactly what I’m talking about here, LOL.
But in Budva, you’re not only welcomed, you’re practically celebrated, as you’re viewed as a celebrity as one restaurant owner confessed they get roughly two black tourists a year, and I’m sure that’s an overstatement, ha.

As you’re casually mistaken for a famous black celebrity or actress constantly, restaurant owners will invite you to try their main dishes, bar owners will spoil you with drinks on the house, and private beach clubs will let you lounge on their property for as long you’d like.

The red carpet is truly laid out and whether I was accepting rides on luxury yachts or signing Serena Williams’ autograph by the beach (true story, he was a kid and I couldn’t say no while his parents were watching), then your days are made quite nicely.
In Montenegro, they treat you like royalty, and got damn it, you are. You’re magical, divine, and every bit worthy of being appreciated and not judged prematurely as a threat.

While these experiences will come with its fair share of people asking for selfies, understand that it’ll still be far more enjoyable, because they’re people who feel honored by your existence, not threatened by it.
And that makes the world of a difference.

While I have two younger, but grown brothers back home, and a future family to raise one day, the idea of permanently living abroad is sounding more and more likely.
So I’ll continue scouting as many black-friendly cities as possible, and to the black community back in America, stay strong, stay safe, and stay ready to move, because sometimes, enough is enough.
Black friends, see you on the other side — where we matter, and stuff 😉
P.S. If you’ve never ventured abroad before, I wrote about the best and worst things about being a black traveler here. And if you’re interested in how I’ve been traveling the world non-stop for the last 4 years (45 countries + 5 continents), you can read all about my story and journey in my new book, “From Excuses to Excursions: How I Started Traveling the World“!

Still need some black travel getaway inspiration? Check out this funny video I made about 5 of the most African-American friendly countries in the world. Almost 300,000 views and I’ll be making a part two soon!
Berlin, here I come!
Whoop whoop! One day we’ll be roomies there 😉
Wish I could join you…lol
You’re a pioneer! <3 Keep paving paths of inspiration 🙂
Love you, Madeline! XOXO
Surely London, England should be on this list. Evidenced by the over 1000 people who turned up just today for the Black Lives Matter protest in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter protests in the states. Also it’s one of the most diverse cities in the world by far, only the likes of New York can compete with it in that aspect. I’m a Londoner so I have my biases, but definitely feel that London is one of the most friendly cities towards any race! 🙂
For sure London is a great city for blacks! I think in making this list, I wanted to offer cities that are a bit less cliche. London is often the first city in Europe African-Americans travel to, so I wanted to offer cities that blacks may not have considered otherwise!
Ok fair enough 🙂 and yes those other cities would have never been on my list but would definitely like to visit them now.
I spent the first part of my summer in Berlin and I absolutely loved it and I felt super welcomed. Two weeks ago I was in Nice and it was the same experience! 🙂 looks like I’ll be putting Scotland on my itinerary when I visit the U.K. In two weeks! 🙂
P.S I just love reading your blog your writing style is amazing and you’re super informative.
Thanks so much, Cindy! I’ll be checking yours out too. So glad you echo my sentiments on Berlin and Nice. It’s always encouraging when I hear about fellow POC having equally pleasant experiences!
This is soooo refreshing. I’m almost in tears reading it. How amazing would it be to be in a place where you are appreciated and welcomed? It’s almost like a fantasy. I was surprised at Berlin—I heard Germany was dangerously racist. I’m looking forward to traveling abroad in 2017 and if I find a place that I love, I might just stay! Thanks for writing this.
I don’t know where you heard that from but I’m pretty certain Germany is actually the LEAST racist country in all of Europe.
Yeh all of the German racists are in London.
Thanks for reading Alison! It’s important to remember so many things go into our experiences that ultimately form our opinions of a city. I just had a WOC friend reach out about Berlin sharing some of her negative experiences and I was shocked!
I can only speak from and write about things I’ve experienced, hoping it can provide some insight. Just remember there will be discrepancies though!
You know, I may be thinking of Russia, not Germany as racist. I’m going to put Germany on my short list of places to visit!
As long as you are not too ambitious and know your place–you will be just fine in europe.
What I find in many parts of Europe is that as an American (and in some cases as a black American) you come with a certain amount of privilege. That is not to say that negative things don’t happen, but even those scenarios are extremely different than what you would experience in the States.
London’s friendly! We are very diverse and I love it. My mixed-race kids are not an anomaly in their classes. You know those Scots are just miserable that they are stuck in the cold and dark north and they really wish that Edinburgh was London 🙂
Them there’s fighting words!
It that is the case then why do millions of blacks round the world want to emigrate there.
Are you taking the piss? Wale she maybe but England being one of the most diverse countries in Europe is not racist. There’s racism everywhere, France, Germany, Belgium. America is probably more racist then England by a long way
“America is probably more racist”… I have to agree.
Hahaha! Love London and it would definitely make my top 10 list. It’s inferred that London is a great city for blacks, so I tried to steer from super cliche cities and picked 5 that weren’t the first choices for most African-Americans traveling abroad for the first time.
I thought this article was about Blacks in general and not African Americans?
I visited London and Paris in 2016 and felt more at home than I’ve ever felt in my own or any other U.S. city. ❤
London is NOT friendly, nor is it diverse. It’s extremely superficial, sexist and the racism whilst not white vs black exists within communities (i.e. colourism). It’s only friendly if … once again, you’re an attractive woman.
i think i will be looking into traveling into berlin so i will be saving up real soon but i wonder will it be strange living there when all your family is in america
They will LOVE you! Haha, I wish I could experience it again with you. Seriously, instant celebrity 😛
And I talk to my family on a daily basis through our group WhatsApp chat. Miss and love them dearly, and we’re all grown and following our individual paths in life. We’re all pretty spread out across America as well, and then there’s me… halfway across the world, ha 😛
This was the best thing i’ve read in awhile. Subscribing.
Haha, you’re too kind! Thanks so much for stopping by!
Thank you for you blog. I now know where to go on vacation next year.
Thanks for reading, RAS! Glad to offer some tips!
Great article! I need to look into a few of these places. I’d have to agree with Nice, France. We were there last year around this time. Best trip ever!
Thanks, Nikki! Nice is amazing and I’m always thinking about how I can squeeze a visit in. Love that city!
I’m a little saddened by the fact that this is an article about race… It could have just been an article about ‘cool cities in Europe’, it’s not like other European countries are that unwelcoming or even hostile towards people with non-white skin. Of course there are always incidents, but in general, Europeans are a lot more open to diversity than Americans.
I get that it’s a cool change that people look at you because you look different than what they normally see, and not because of some prejudice they may have, but I think that is more an attitude thing. If you act friendly, people will be friendly to you. At least that is my opinion whilst traveling in Europe…
I am glad you removed the ignorant comment on this post.
One is either too privileged or has to be living under a rock to be saddened by a post like this and ask “What racism?”
Hi Sheena! I haven’t removed any comments, so perhaps the person removed it themselves when they read other people’s comments and understood the intention of the post?
Either way, I wrote this for a certain audience, and those who don’t get it or have never had to live their lives knowing their skin color will be the first thing someone notices about their appearance, then it can be hard for them to understand.
I don’t stress about people misinterpreting a message that was never meant for them, lol.
Hi Great Article, has anyone had any problems with Malta, Italy I’m due to spend 5 days their in September before heading back to Rome a city that I really love. Thanks for any helpful tips you can provide
Thanks for reading, Sharee! You’ll LOVE Malta! I’ve never been but have heard great things from my WOC friends. It’s an incredibly small island, so do expect some uncomfortably long stares every now and then, but that’s really anywhere you go that doesn’t have a large black population.
Remember some of the people we encounter don’t have the luxury/privilege to travel out of their home country like we do, so it’s an “experience” when they see us for the first time in person. Try not to take offense and instead engage.
If you’re the only black person they ever meet in their life, at least they’ll remember it as a positive one 🙂
err..went to Malta two years ago and a guy called me a ‘monkey’…sooo not the best for me. I now dub it the country that shall no longer be named.
Crete on the other hand was A-MAZING!
I don’t have a good impression about the maltese, but i’ve never went there or met a maltese in person, so take my opinion with a grain of salt. It’s just what i gathered from commentators and articles about the place.
Your blog post was shared with travelettes and I am so angry and disgusted by the reactions and comments there. I try to convince myself that inserting myself in groups that are ‘diverse’ is the best way to go but once again am proven wrong.
I get it, many of the women only have to worry about making everything fit in their carry on bag. Awesome.
But for many women of color we seriously have to worry about our safety as women and as women who do not have blonde hair and blue eyes. Why should I have to apologize for thinking beyond their level of safety? Especially as a woman who has had instances happen while traveling because of the color of her skin…. I cannot apologize.
I try to be a member of various travel forums to gain a wider experience but reality always slaps it back at you that everyone wants to kumbayah over the things that affect YOU. As a black woman or POC YOUR voice doesn’t matter, just get on the damn plane.
Thank you for sharing safe places from your experience because I have yet to meet a POC who doesn’t ask whenever I’ve shared a place I’ve been, what was your experience as a black person/woman.
Charrish, I adore you with all my heart. I’ve stopped stressing or trying to convince people about why these conversations and dialogues are necessary and instead let them reach the people they’re intended for and keep it moving.
It’s unfortunate so many will completely miss the point and/or judge it based on the title alone and not even read the article, but such is [the internet] life! I will sleep A-OK tonight 🙂
The entire situation in the united States speaks to a more global systematic issue…an issue that deals with the pinning of black and brown people to the bottom of the socioeconomic ladder in almost every society, and though I appreciate the intent of this…the idea of running to (another) European country isn’t going to solve the issue, in fact, proposing that you should run to a European country for safety has a (surely unintentional, from your part) damaging message and creates a false sense of what the issue and solution really is.
Thanks for reading, Maurice! If you browse through my other articles, you’ll see that I tend to write with jest, implying that my experiences should be taken with a grain of salt.
While I don’t think every African-American will want or need to move to Europe to get away from America’s current police brutality situation, I definitely think it’s worth encouraging them to explore how other countries perceive us.
It won’t always be a walk in the park, and I’ve even wrote about my negative experiences as a black woman (see my post about Prague), but again, this blog is about entertaining, educating, and empowering, and some of them/us just need a break sometimes 🙂
American Racism stems from the fact that whites have an innate generational guilt of slavery. they know that their privilege comes from over 400 years of free labor,, and that blacks must hate them for it. And Unlike blacks in european countries, where most have strong and active roots in Africa and the West Indies– american blacks feel that they built america and deserve to reap its benefits equally with whites.
European blacks dont have that sentiment,, for most they can still go home to africa or west Indes if shit hits the fan.
In that case then why don’t white move back to Europe when shits hit the fan; what ever that means.
In case of European blacks, many if not most are immigrants with either dual citizenship or children of such immigrants and thus are eligible for citizenship in the African countries. Thus, they can literally ‘go back’. Most countries only allow return up until 3d generation, after that, it’s a no go.
In case of American whites and Afrikaners, European countries will only give them visas if they are either immigrants or children of immigrants. Sometimes, grand children. After that, it’s also a no go.
Thus, a white Anglo Saxon from Mississippi will not qualify for a British visa just based on the fact that he is white, speaks English and his name is John Smith. The same with the so called Irish people in Boston. Or a white Afrkaner with a name such as Jan Van Der Wald. European countries just see them as ‘Americans’ and ‘S. Africans’ only. Visas refused. Case closed. America and S. Africa are seen as their countries and native lands.
The same goes for American blacks. Too many generations away from Africa. Very few African countries will allow them residency. Some programs have been tried but got stuck in a bureaucratic morass. I think one was in Senegal and is not on hold apparently.
Thus all this shouting of “Go back to Africa!”, “Go back to Europe!”, “Go back to your country blah blah blah!” is often non-realizable. Those places will just declare those people as foreigners and Americans, fine them for overstaying their tourist visas and send their asses back to the USA.
I agree.
Hey Maurice, as they say, the struggle is real! But as a guy committed to that struggle, I also know that the cultural shift that takes place when traveling abroad can have an extremely rejuvenating effect. The European tribes have fought each other for a few thousand years and yet there have been numerous unions as well. To be seen as “just another nationality”, to be in say, parts of the UK, and be “American” vs “Polish” vs “Italian” or “Japanese” is refreshing. Yes, I’m still foreign, but there’s an equality about that which I can appreciate. I think everyone should have that experience from time to time.
As Black women you will be just about welcomed anywhere in Europe. It is Black men that may find that they are not so welcomed, particularly in Central/Eastern Europe. We latinas also get a lovely reception throughout Europe.
My black male traveling friends have had equally and similar experiences as well! It does vary, but I think as long as you go into a country open and receptive to their culture, you can expect the same warmth to be reciprocated. Glad you’ve also had a great experience from a Latina perspective 🙂
Openness and being receptive improves your chances of being treated better, but prejudice exists regardless of one’s being open and receptive in the eyes of many people. If we could just cure prejudice by being open and receptive, then we wouldn’t need all these civil rights and human rights, and we could just all live happy lives and sing Kumbaya together. Being nice to others does not guarantee that they will be nice to you in return. But it does increase the number of people who are nice to you, without a doubt.
i was in germany and had a great time. i never had a problem with europe , i met great people
I was speaking specifically about Central Europe (Czech Republic, Hungary, etc) and Eastern Europe (Ukraine, Russia, Estonia, etc.). The black american and african guys I met while traveling there have told me horror stories about threats of violence, being called racist epithets etc. I did not experience any of that stuff but some of the men I met were U.S. military so I believe it to be true.
This is true. Ukraine now has gotten way better after the revolution. Also, people have gotten used to blacks there. And again, we are talking about men. Black women are not seen as a threat as a rule.
Most of the comments on this rather beautiful and accurate article, are the actual reason the world is such a sad place! And people need ‘ to stop lying about Eastern Earope, I live in Moscow and have lived in Vladivostok- I am treated like a mini celbirity- people want pictures and they are not racist! Ofcourse there Are fascist in every European country but they r hardl heard about these days! An African is no more safer in Europe than he is at home. So please use some common sense before you scare people from living heir dreams!
Fascism wins in europe and russia soon deal with it i am eurasian caucasoid who belongs to europe.european union is gone all blacks of europe will have to return to africa and after them the muslims.
You and the people who actually live in Europe have little to do with one another, but I’m always amused at how basement-dwelling Americans will imagine this solidarity based on racial pseudoscience.
I am not an American number one troll fail.
Number two nationalism is global since 1914 and will be the natural order of many nations deal with it or log off the internet bruh.
EuropeanGuy, you belong in Dachau like all Nazi wankers. But since it’s closed, you can always use your stove or a friends’, if they have one. Light up, stick your head inside and just let go, baby.
Was this east or west Germany?
i was close to frankfurt,darmstadt , i believe heidelberg was about 30 min away
Yep let a 100, 000 Africans migrate there and the attitudes will change.
not, even.. 1500 would cause them to make policy changes real quick!
I was just throwing a number out there but I agree.
Um… there are already quite a large number of African (not Middle Eastern) refugees in Europe, definitely more than the numbers quoted here. That said, that doesn’t mean that there isn’t more to be done to help them integrate better
And there is backlash about that if you want to be technical about it. The topic is about specific cities let a large migration occur in those cities and attitudes will change.
They’re never going to integrate.
Well economic concerns are exactly that and you find that across the board. There are many places in Western Europe where Eastern Europeans don’t get the best treatment (to put it lightly). And the best, most recent example is that of Syrian refugees who are facing all kinds of abuse. So that is very different than the racial dynamics you have in the States. Not saying that the impact is any better, but it IS different.
It would have helped alot of the majority of the refugees were actually syrian.
Good point and legitimate assumption, although it’d be a lot for them to think about in an instant’s notice when they immediately smile and engage in conversation.
Remember, this is just a list of recommendations for African-Americans who’d like to experience a different type of reception than they might be used to. This isn’t an exhaustive list nor is it a poll of 100% of their population. All I can do is share my experiences and hope it encourages or enlightens others 🙂
I thought this article was about Blacks in general and not African Americans??
The first couple paragraphs indicates her audience, but when you’re traveling abroad you’re just black.
Sounds like the same reason we wouldn’t want them coming to the US
Great idea! I’d be curious to see one as well! Maybe check out He’s the most well-traveled black man I know 🙂
🙂 @UdonNo:disqus . I’ve traveled quite a bit (114 countries/geographic regions) and have had good receptions in many countries. I never fight fire with fire. Some people think I’m Samuel Jackson though :-).
It has to do with how you treat people and your aura. As humans, we are curious about each other. I’ve not been scared to walk anywhere I’ve traveled and I’ve had my share of “fun” experiences; we all have.
The same cautions I have at home in the U.S. I use them everywhere I travel. My guard is always up. Listen to your heart it always tells you what’s right or wrong. Most times, we ignore it though.
When people want to touch my skin or take photos with me or ask me if I comb my hair, I embrace it and talk wth them. It’s only questions. The first time was in China and it was a bit weird, but as I traveled more, I got used to it and realized that people are just curious and want to answer the questions they have and want to see if what they see on TV is true.
People are people everywhere…
I stand corrected! Kerwin, YOU are the most well-traveled black man I know! Me oh my! 114!? SHEESH. And I love your approach as well. I think the longer you travel, the more patient you grow. And you realize it’s more them being amused and intrigued than anything else, and I can handle that in doses 😉
It’s all good Glo :). Minority Nomad is quite the traveler himself :).
Yes, it’s patience. I’m a people person, so I pick up on what people are not saying when I meet them.
I was in Almaty, Kazakhstan and saw some kids hanging around, they didn’t say it, but they wanted to take photos. So I invited them over we took photos, they were satisfied and off they went.
Same thing in the trains. My Indian friend who was with me got tired of taking videos and photos for the people who wanted to meet me :). Fun times…
Gloria I need to take notes on how to deal with ignorant people like UdonNo ;because everything that he is saying is ignorant towards black men. He is either jealous , or insecure when comparing himself to black men. Or if he is a black man he might just have a lot of low self esteem. By the way I know German /Russain women that love black men. However , you are handling UndoNo remarks with much class and patience .
Hahaha! UdonNo seems to be a notorious troll. His “Disqus” comment account looks like he peruses several articles a day leaving delirious/delusional comments.
If it pays his bills, more power to him. No stress over here 🙂 Thanks again for chiming in!
While ‘some’ Russian women like black men, these are anecdotal exceptions to the rule. Russia is on a sh-t list by the US State dept as a very racist country and highly dangerous. It doesn’t mean ‘every’ person is a racist, but the high frequency incidences of racism there , and the number of murders based on race have caused the State Dept to issue a serious warning for non white travelers into the country.
Without really going into detail, my top 10 European cities would be (in no particular order):
The Hague
Each city is cool for different reasons, but I’d say all are worth a visit.
Add Copenhagen. Paris can actually be pretty hostile towards Blacks, because French police thinks every Black or Oriental person is a hoodlum or jihadist from the Banlieues.
Well, yes you’ve got officers who definitely have power trips. But I’m speaking more broadly. There is such a large African population that you don’t really stand out and blending in can have its advantages.
Awesome read. As a black traveler we do have to think twice about places we visit for safety reasons. I do not want to pay to fly somewhere where I will be unwanted…. I could stay home for that. Thank you for this article I am going to share it on my timeline.
It makes me feel so much more at ease when I can know ahead of time whether a city or country is receptive to African-Americans in advance. You’re able to relax and just enjoy yourself more. Thanks for reading and sharing!
Hell, we are actually unwanted here in the states, so what is the difference?
I’ll second Nice. Wonderful place, great food, AMAZING museums.
I loved Nice. It’s still calling to me. I attended a semester abroad in France in 2011. A middle-aged, curvy African American woman, I got second glances where I stayed in the tiny city of Aix, but Nice was a 2-hour bus ride away. The beach, diners, and shops were wonderful! I didn’t mind being alone. I even met a Swedish beauty who invited me to a night club for a few hours of salsa and socializing. It was like I’d been there a thousand times. Mind you, I never to clubs in America. And Nice was a 40 minute bus ride from Cannes. I think I left part of my soul in Nice. I hope to go back to live one day. BTW, Venice was awesome too!
BRITISH DOES NOT EQUAL ENGLISH. Scots are British. Welsh are British. Northern Irish are British. This attitude that the English have promoted that they are the “true” Brits while simultaneously conquering and subjugating the BRITISH isles is exactly the reason why Scotland wants to break away.
all the places that has been describe in her blog are good beside poland. poland is one of the most racist countries in europe i wouldnt go there for vacation as a black person. germany france england are good for vacation and living.let me add some cities to germany bremen, hamburg, cologn, essen, dusseldorf, dortmund, schalke, hannover, munich, berlin.. and it doesnt end there.sorry for my english but im german and black 🙂
Wow! I’m headed to Poland and Ukraine at the end of the month. I’m so curious to see how it will be. I’ve been to Latvia (close by) and it was okay..hope Poland isn’t too bad.
Out of the countries I have traveled in the Balkans..I was super-impressed by Bosnia and Herzegovina. I felt so welcomed in Mostar and Sarajevo; in comparison to Croatia where a few folk were a little bit cold. 🙁
My brother studied in Moscow and Kursk for seven years..later the hostility and racism he experienced there, he swore never to step in Europe again.
I live in the Netherlands, it’s pretty tolerant but you bump into racists from time to time…but what .i hate most is a white guy viewing me as a fetish, and most all, being followed around in supermarkets and stores by sales ladies and security who view me as a potential ‘shoplifter’.
Russia is not Europe.
Russia may not be a part of the EU, but geographically it is in the European continent.
Nope, Asia.
Actually, you’re both right.
I went to Poland and Ukraine in the summer. Krakow was a about selfies galore…and because I was with my nine-year old it was like a double portion of the positive attention..her cute self was quite overwhelmed with all the little gifts people wanted to give her..and the selfie shots..was flummoxed..Krakow= good for our melanin coated egos..
Great that you had such good experience in Poland. 🙂
Sorry but maybe it is bc you are from the USA . I am’ born and live in France and even here black American get the Beyoncé treatemenr so it maybe cool for Black American bc the violence there( physical ) is higher but for black born in Europe even more non English speaker Africa is more resourcing . Outdoor leisure can be hard even born here they make you feel not welcomed at all . Even born in little cities , some try to destabilize you and feel not welcome . Guess they see enough black here to be mesmerized but I assure that if you were born they won’t be the same , you are just a tourist . You don’t live through their system. Great for black Americans to find new holiday safe spaces but one day maybe you will go beyond that tourist effect.
Have you actually been to Poland or are you just repeating the German anti-Polish sentiment? A rather dark skinned friend of mine has been to Poland several times and he hasn’t experienced any problems. Another black friend has had not problems there either. Of course there are racists and bigots in Poland, but at least these two have had no problems. As for me, I’m a white European guy from Finland and in Germany, I’m often taken as a Pole because of my looks and accent and the experience is not that nice. Many Germans act rude to me and some say nasty things they think I don’t understand. This has happened almost every time I’ve been there, and I’m not going to Germany any more. That being said, most Germans are OK, but let’s say, a 10% of rude bigots is too much for me. I’m kind of sensitive to these things. Don’t know how I’d deal with racism if I was black.
Wow I’m sorry to hear that! I lived in Germany for 4 years. I think it’s important to share this, because most people believe fascism and discrimination is towards only black people.
Yes it is very important to share. I am black, and until this comment I was unaware of the other discrimination that even people in Europe have to deal with by other Europeans. It gives me a different perspective on how to approach racism.
Hi! I’m from Hungary living in Munich. I would like to share my experience with you. I personally never felt that I’m looked down because I’m a Hungarian. But so often Eastern Europeans feel that Western Europeans look down on them. It’s because we come from countries which are less developed economically than Western European countries. Let me tell you a story. I worked for a huge American company here in Munich. You know, many of the American companies in Western Europe keep transfering jobs to Eastern Europe. Most of my German colleagues really looked down our Eastern European colleagues or business partners. My German colleagues were all in the company for more than 15 years and of course they knew all about the business. However, our Eastern European colleagues or business partners were all fresh out of university and of course they were just learning what the business is all about. As soon as they made a mistake or didn’t know something, they started talking bad things about them. They just called them stupid cheap labor. I felt so angry with them and I kind of told them off. So, we, white Europeans can also experience things like that. Of course, I still believe, that there is nothing worse than discrimination based on skin color. I have another story, 10 years ago, when I was 21, I had an Indian boyfriend. Many of their family members looked down on me because I was a European girl. In their culture European girls are considered cheap sluts. At that point of time it just made me smile, because at that age I had no idea about their culture and I could not understand why European girls are considered cheap. I was like, hey I’m 21, I go to university, I speak 3 languages, I spend my free time with reading and working so that I’m independent financially, etc., and I just didn’t get why they think I’m cheap. I’m just telling you all this, so that you don’t think that black people can experience such things. But I again, I still think, that discrmination based on skin color is the worst. All in all, I believe all such things including racism are based on ignorance or fear. What we can at least do about it as humans, I believe, is to speak up against such issues and raise awareness about them. We are talking about a very sensitive topic. I hope I didn’t write anything that can offend any of you. I just wanted to share my experience. Thank you for reading my comment.
Where in Germany?
hi,how are you i would like to invite you may be to come in our country,please feelfree contact
I am born and live in France Frankly even in the south and north east and west of France some cities are really racist so it depends on what the black person could endure at different stage of her life bc each EU country has its type of racism . France is no exception and could be really hypocritical as they have I think the largest amount of black people in Europe living there and born there with the DOM TOM . For tourism France can be great and great for some stage of your life but inconvenience must be considered . It depends on what you are looking for . During your stay
i felt right at home in Paris and in all of France for that matter….Sometimes I felt that people went out of their way to be nice…..
AMEN! Such a great feeling isn’t it? Thanks for chiming in!
I agree! I’ve been to Paris on three visits since 2008; the last time was in September 2015 and I plan to return two years from now.
I feel like Paris is my second home–I always rent an apartment and generally act like I live there. 🙂
I did not get the warm fuzzy feeling I expected when I visited Paris in August. I truly enjoyed wandering around to all the famous monuments, museums and landmarks. However, the people (French) seemed cold, rude and not welcoming at all. I thought that maybe my lack of knowledge of the French language was what ticked the locals off, so I will give it another try later in life.
They certainly aren’t quite as friendly or open as say, Americans. But it does help to speak the language. I speak French so I think that makes a difference in my experience there.
If you have time before your next trip, you may want to take a brief “French for travelers” course. Even just knowing “bonjour” and “merci” will help.
Some people Paris can be RUDE, even the Egyptians say so.
You were treated rudely when you were there? What happened?
Were people rude to you there? What happened?
Europe is the BEST! Skip the Rockies & Grand Canyon. Europeans embrace our culture… since the 40’s!
Hear, hear! Glad you’ve had good experiences as well, William!
I’m a white European and coming to US for the first time in November. I’m googling and spying about US things, including how African-Americans feel about Europeans. A lot of nice and heartwarming comments here, especially considering all the xenophobia, racism and bigotry that seems to be on a new rise both in the US and Europe and who knows where. So, I’m glad you feel this way. 🙂
And yeah, I think African-Americans can get special positive attention here. First of all, Afro-Americans are a dominant cultural group, and dominant groups seem to get admiration, especially because the African-American cultural domination is not forced but voluntary. Second thing is, the avegare European probably knows more about African-Americans than about many European countries or cultures. Let’s say, the Portuguese or Slovaks and probably just a big question mark to most of us. So, you guys are a very well known ethnic group, but rarely seen in real life, so meeting an actual A-A person is like people of a legend showing up in real life. Third, those of us who have met actual African Americans have had very positive experiences. Fourth, this contrasts with white Americans, some of whom can be amazingly arrogant towards us natives. From what I’ve heard, it can sort of work the other way too: Americans can get endless loads of complaints about US policies as if they were the personal fault of the American in question. My gut feeling is that these complaints are directed to whites and African Americans are not seen as a guilty party.
Of course this stuff could be labeled as hypocritical, as there are many racists here who may act different towards dark skinned people from elsewhere, including the native born ones who are culturally completely the same as their white countrymen. In any case, I wish African Americans continue to have good experiences here, even if it goes to the sugary “people of the legend” level, because why not?
Since you wrote about a year ago about coming to the US, I hope you’ll post about your experiences here.
COME HOME TO AFRICA!! OUR BORDERS ARE OPEN!!! JESUS!!! COME-HOME!! you’re just jumping out of the frying pan into the fire!!! you’re trying to escape racism by going to OTHER western countries?! C-O-M-E H-O-M-E!!!!!!!!!!
I AM SO READY! I’ll be in Nigeria in December and start working my way around from there!
Where in Nigeria will you be!? Myself and 3 other black American ladies are moving there in 3 weeks to work at an International School. We’d love to link up when you come! We’ll be in Abuja!
I’m trying to visit Nigeria again for Christmas (I was just there this past May) and hopefully can make it to Abuja this time! I have a couple American friends teaching English there as well!
Are you still in Nigeria?
I just left! I was there last month! Amazing time in Lagos, Enugu, Ogidi, and other passing through at least 4 states while visiting my mother and father’s respective villages and family members.
Wait! Visas are needed to go to Nigeria. What about jobs?
Gloria, thank you for this – very refreshing. It’s a question many of us are too afraid to ask and needs to be addressed so we can enjoy the world. When traveling a few years back, I found that Stockholm was a very warm and friendly city as well, and totally agree with you about Germany – I was in Dusseldorf and Munich on business and had the best time. I wasn’t too keen on Paris, but would be open to giving it another try…Thanks again!
Loved this post. Thank you. Take me with you next time!
You’re always welcome, Dicey! 🙂
Interesting experiences. I wonder if men would be treated the same way?
I have a few black american travel industry friends and most can vouch for similar preferential treatment in different areas of Europe. Of course there will be discrepancies, but I recommend you check out their sites and read about it directly — Kerwin at and Erick at
A great list, while im am not American i am black British i really like the list. i visited Berlin in March and was surprised by how easygoing and friendly the people were. I think with recent world events people are wary of others.
Hey do you have any thought on the not so far away Canada or even Mexico? Also, two thumbs up from my experience in Nice and that was way back in 2003 (I’m feeling old lol). Finally, I just have to say that you are super awesome and talented in case you haven’t heard it yet today!
I just in Montreal a couple weeks ago (I hadn’t been there in 10 years). It’s a very friendly city.
I loved reading your blog. I am planning a trip with my 17 year old in just a few weeks.
I love to travel, and do so extensively. I’m not sure though that I want to go where I’m “tolerated.” Accepted or welcomed perhaps, but tolerated….
I agree.
Now, lets see a list of African/black countries where white men are welcome to visit/ I say Montego Bay is good, then Nairobi, Kenya is good. People say good things about Barbados.
Montego Bay isn’t a country, but I get what you are saying. Folks there are trapped into that old master mentality, and the white man have money, so, of course they would. BTW, I’m a melanated.
The article is about vacation time, not about immigrating or looking for work. Things change radically if you decide to stay in a country, find work and integrate.
I enjoyed visiting many countries and the people were great. They did
change into devils when I decided to stay there. I was denied jobs,
housing, was insulted and not even allowed into stores. And I am not
even a black person.
Everyone loves American tourists with dollars. Most people don’t like for you to compete for jobs anywhere. There are many variables.
Also, those people that say that the way you are received depends on some aura and your attitude: it does play a role and is a factor. But that’s not the only factor. Racial and other prejudice is real and it does not depend on your aura and attitude. Its intensity depends solely on who are are ethnically, agewise,religion-wise, etc. For example, in Japan and Korea, they have signs that say “No Foreigners” or “No Americans”. In China, similar signs. These exist regardless of your aura and/or open attitude.
Having said all that, if you only visit, have money, do not speak the local language, don’t understand what the people are saying and stay on the main drag, you will be welcome to spend your money and enjoy. You have a great time and go home.
I didn’t see those signs in China, or Japan and have yet to Korea.
As a female *African* traveller I loved this article… I’ve been to many of these places and received a similar reaction… I lived in Edinburgh for 4 years, visited Krakow (Where I was treated like a mini celebrity) and Berlin where I was more or less anonymous (which i loved). However, I know all too well how travelling [to certain places] while black can be frustrating, traumatic and sometimes even dangerous.
I never considered travelling my own continent for the longest time because many of us Africans, living in Africa, with relative privilege, are taught as kids (in our British system schools) that Africa is a wild, empty, savage, dangerous & ironically uninteresting place. Not to mention the prices used to be hiked all the way up for domestic tourist. So we/I left the travelling to the white/ foreign tourists. Better for us to save up and go to “Outside Countries”: UK, US, France, Germany, Ausie etc.
However, it wasn’t until recently that I began travelling the continent again. Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Mali, Sudan, South Sudan, Nigeria, Seychelles and many more. While admittedly some of these places are dangerous and they may lack the castles and great big clocktowers and monuments of “mighty” Europe… the continent of Africa will surely reaffirm something within you, it has the ability to shape or reshape your very foundation… not in spite of your blackness… but because of it! There is a certain dignity, and resilience and magic that even a thousand castles or clocktowers could never recreate!
But then again… maybe that’s just me.
Yes, yes, yes…welcome to Africa! I’m kenyan and happy to hear you had a lovely time..and all the lovely wild animals in the parks want to be seen in alll their glory! absolute stunners!!
Habari! (Swahili greeting)Nairobi is the most wonderful city I have visited for vegans/vegetarians. Be it small hotel or big hotel. I am still keeping some schillings for my next trip.
The institutions of colonialism are insidious. The cost of domestic travel within Africa was higher than traveling to the Western world. Efforts to reinforce self hate and distaste for one’s own culture and advantaging the alien culture to support the oppressor. Thanks for the insight.
Why don’t African enterpreneurs create their own budget airlines and thereby bring the cost down for travelling between African countries. Talking about reinforces hate sounds like more cultural marxist talk. The Africans kill each other, just like Europeans kill each other.
Hold up, you might have just came up with something there.
Because Europeans imperialists like France own the African economy ( look up for the francs CFA) or African clothes (look up for wax own by Netherlands ) like with Haiti they impose things since colonization and Hold on to it tight as they make a system of subordinate to watch their interest . Africa can not be indépendant because each time a leader want to nationalize resources and national education guess which humanitarian fake organization thinks there is something wrong over there or suddenly there is a coup d’état . If a black African wanted to create a airline he will be threatened by arabs and Europeans. Maybe it is your racist state of mind that is guessing that is only the Africans fault for not thriving after slavery and colonization or maybe you are an hypocrite who do not want Africans to thrive and you give simplistic dumbest solution but shut up . And learn from intelligent white peoples who are not afraid to acknowledge what their imperialist gov are doing over there since centuries ! Racism plus fear of letting the richest continent in natural resources ( yeah with gold and all) be is the driving forces for that everlasting grip on Africa . Cousciously educate yourself and stop with your alien bullshit . Do not care if you hate me I hate you too 🙂
I have travelled with many African airlines including Ethiopian and Nigerian airlines. So saying Africans cannot start running airlines is more marxist shit talk. As for your economies, since independence it’s been dominated by socialist and communist models and they have all failed. Look at south East Asia. Vietnam 40 yrs ago looked like a rubbish tip. They have no natural resources and now their people have a better life than Africans.
All your excuses for Africas tinpot dictators have been repeated by the powerless extreme left. Even China has disowned them. In the meantime your low IQ dictators like Mugabe and laughing all the way to the banks in Dubai lol
Donkey cave man . You really think that your 5 min research on google would dismantle with weak arguments the White supremacist imperialism oppression going on in Africa . Do you think that those companies are black owned mother shit ? What did you find abt the franc CFA economical slavery ? You did not have something so you deflected. The IQ TEST is a nazi test so do not care lmao but thank you for your answer bc every black people reading that will see the “victim” blaming trope of the white supremacist rhetoric on blaming the Africans for their oppression . Of course shit head there are too many enlighted social writings about the manipulation of white supremacy racist and the western world to be compelled by your weak old “victim” blamiNg toxic patriarchal argument . But go one though it will confirm your racist character 🙂
Ps : you must be the type to think that what it is said in your history book about Africa before colonization is true ? Or that tHe pope and the Christian writings about black ppl were true ? Lmao if those institution can spread lies I think economical slaver can still occur in Africa deep shit
Oh dear another cultural Marxist typing his comments on a laptop Africans did not create despite all their intellectual superiority. These airline are nationalised bankrupt industries run by public sector employees who are so incompetent most of them are now bankrupt. Thank God Reagan and Thatcher destroyed global communism. In the meantime mugabe is doing a good job lol
And still nothing on the economical slavery of the franc CFA ….don’t you think your racism is pathological ?You can not restrain yourself from saying Africans are incompetent , Africans are incompetent it’s there fault and if you do not agree you are a Marxist communist , socialist humanist dummy ” lmao so ok we get it you are a conservative neo nazi white supremacist racist and misogynist fuck who always want to spread the good tradition #MAGA word every where there is a black woman doing a blog to check on her. You are pathetic to read a trump sucker on a so light and well hearted blog wanted to insure his pathetic white ego is hilarious . Your google search did not get you really far as knowing the real ownerd of the airlines but you strongly liked the idea that they failed and it’s their fault not the imperialist racist . Lmao . Delusional anti social pessimist . Are you talking about Mugabe to hurt me ? Even your joke smells your swastikas tatto lol contrary to what your racist way of thinking seems to believe you racist are always recognizable you can’t hide anymore , black people can’t hide because of color , you can’t too because of your narcissistic racist state of mind which take any chance it gets to state your racist oppressive view of the world . I never read Marx and I do not care of what he was saying but he seems to have shook your beliefs though . You are a non sens
Go away now. My last comment. In the meantime go back to Africa and create a Union of socialist african republics. If it was not for the free market, the enterprise culture and the market economy, we shall be living in the dark ages. As for the franc cfa, why should i care about socialist run france till Macron came along. At least Macron was honest about his assessment on Africa. In the meantime if you hate the franc, you can always adopt the north Korean or Cuban currency. Wish all the best in turning Africa into a socialist utopia lol
Great you finally admitted your white supremacist neo nazi racist self ! You must feel relieved ?? With your go back to Africa trope you sealed the deal lmao . Your sensationally a racist cliché i will go anywhere dude but YOU can go back to space alien snake 🙂 . You seem really really mad are you ok ? Do you need to suck blood weird vampire ? Macron is fine I don’t care since white supremacy is everywhere even in Africa so do not need to go 🙂 and GFY again
Do you have 2 braincells to rub together? At no point did he call himself a nazi or white supremicist, the IQ test was neither invented nor developed by Nazi’s, they’re just one of many groups to use it as an employee screening process. As for the Central Frank Afrikana it controls less than 10% of africa and has been thrown off by several countries… who went worse economically for doing so. One of the most common things in revolutions has been to issue a new government backed currency that’s different from the old governments. If you’re not willing to do this, it’s your own fault.
Since I know you’re going to call me a white supremacist for simply stating facts that are nothing of the sort, why not we dip into something that actually is white supremacist, but still holds up factually.
Only two black nations ever got beyond the bronze age on their own. Etheopia/sudan (shiba/nubia) and Egypt. Egypt had alot of trade with Europe and Etheopia/Sudan were major propitiates of the slave trade until the British outlawed it and went to war to enforce such. Look up the war of the Mahdi.
Even then, they only got to the iron age on their own and preyed off more advanced civilizations for everything past that.
Everywhere Colonialism went, the country got richer and black life got better. Everywhere they threw off foreign control or were simply let go, the country got poorer and black life got worse. Every single time.
During the civil rights era large numbers of blacks left Europe and america to travel africa. Then they came back with uniformly the same message. “thank god my ancestor got on that slave boat, because that place sucks”.
Africa is currently undergoing colonization. By China. If thinks keep with the current trend, black people will be the minority in africa by 2050. And I will be laughing.
Racist shit head stating facts is like Hitler writing a book in a a cell :-)) call the nazi imperialist CFA a simple currency or that it is the Africans fault again , yes your name will still be White supremacist and hahahah the same nazi troll is coming back with an other profile , I knew that racist ass could not go away with dignity . Or an other swatsika fucker is coming to his hitler lover bruda .
Shut the fuck up good . You think that we do not see you a racist pig who wants to tell Blacks that their oppression is their own fault and not the racist imperialist one : same logic that your other account . Your white cavemen ass being racist is inherently alienly stuuupid , you racist shit come to the this earth with no brain at all , only your Martian desire to kill natural being of the earth and you want human natural lives to call you intelligent and pure blood hahaha go back to mars racist nazi Charlottesville killer , we know your alt right shit face picture is somewhere on the internet . You are just mad you did not put your kkk white hood saturday night and now people are after you , staying on the internet like a motherfucker troll is not the answer you know 🙂 I said to your other troll account everything that you ll write will be just a proof of your egotistic son of a bitch conservative alt right nazi stupid no life head .
You really think I will enter a false debate with someone who s fucking racist . Of course you won’t call yourself white supremacist you know that nobody will listen to you if they are not a fucking Hitler’s son. Being racist make you inherently a Martian shit using a body to suck on life ´s dick to feel relevant in the universe . Use an other account again and come with the same white cavemen logic it will be so funny . I won’t debate someone with your basic logic , ur logic for life is white supremacy your sweating that shit it is useless your statement /arguments or whatever you want to call your sentences are rotten garbage .
Now what you got I know that your dick hurts so :::
Yes… there are many conspiracy theories about the Nazi’s being responcible for this that and every other thing you want to blame your failures on. But here, why don’t you look at the credible history.
On to world minorities. White and black people are about the same. It’s asians where the majority lies. 16% white. 15% black. 8% Middle eastern. 8% hispanic muts. 21% east asian. 24% Indian. 8% southeast asian.
Basically, half the worlds population is asian. Especially Chinese. And their president is coming for you. He’s already taken over the governments of 30 African nations and set up 9 military bases. When you fall it’ll be hilarious.
what other conspiracies is nazis are to blame for ?? I do not think so racism and white supremacy is a conspiracy theory for you lmao ? People will make their research Lol you mean that if you search nazi invented IQ test google will only show you conspiracies blogs ? Shut the fuck up your answer is weak nazi shit you are so stupid and a degenerative spicies it is absurd . Everything that you are coming with it’s so nazi like . If they were the majority they did not have to go invest in Africa too now or maybe there is something else in Africa that brings the so called majority people there I Do not know ….Charlottesville nazi alt right killer be real and go fuck your croix gammée tattoo for real or go on with you alien self caveman
Can’t even spell species. Kek. The IQ tests were developed by the English and the French. Since you seem unable to do research.
And what part of East Asian do you keep equating with white supremacy? Are you unable to tell the difference?
Sad. As for what the Asians want in Africa, the same thing the whites want. Your people have, been completely incapable of developing the continents resources. Also, China’s suffering a overpopulation issue and they’ve been looking to expand for the last 20 years. That they’re now flooding into africa is funny.
As for tattoos, sorry, not my thing. I suppose you got most of yours in prison? 😛
Georges Gibson you are the same racist looser from the other conversation you are pathetic . Do not fucking care about my grammar mistakes nazi English and not even French are my first languages so frankly lmao I even speak better than you 2 of your white languages uneducated shit . You speak about prison that is all you got lmao , it is An American cliché so here never been but I know you went from the rape of your cousin caveman. I repeat every non racist person who will want to search for the nazi origin of the IQ test on google will easily find it . By historians , famous newspapers and bloggers who repeat the information . Nazi shit Nazi fuck . You suck !
Watching you flail, I can’t help but laugh. You only have one refrain a bit of marxist rhetoric and cant get creative beyond it. Honestly, there aren’t alot of nazi’s out there and I’m not one of them; but losers like you gain them members every day. If I’m a caveman, you’re lower even than a bushman. Go dance for some lightning you sad sorry little racist.
You are so pathetic you have nothing left to say than to repeat what your other troll account said : I am a Marxist again not a dancing monkey anymore lmao the refrain of dance lmao you sad you can’t dance ? ! Racism do not even begin with my hatred of a troll white supremacist like you , racism is your white supremacy systemic hierarchy of oppression . You still try to make random people think that it is just individual and because they are pissed with Black people in the world . Lmao if racist/white supremacist become one because they are pissed by black people in Africa (again wtf you are so weak to be pissed by people you think inferior lmao) it only shows your weak and destructive and anarchiste mind . Your life is so meaningless that you fulfill it with a pathetic hatred for Africans just because they apparently are black and that we apparently know how to dance and sing . You weak it may be the cancer speaking go rest and come later I will entertain your dying ass to the finish line you need attention that is why you seek for the generous and human Africans one you alien soulless monster
See, rants like this are what feed trolls. The touchy pride of he who knows he is lost. I have no need to create extra accounts, this one has been around for quite long enough. Go ahead, check the comments list. That you have been called a Marxist before doesn’t surprise me, you’re spouting the same canned propaganda as soooooo many others. As for your dancing monkey comment, amusing that you’d just to that particular stereotype, when I was referring to the Serengeti belief that a man dancing by a fire could change the weather. Your allusion is one significantly simpler, reflection a belief that I see you as low intelligence rather than simply using such as insults. That such words cut you reflects an inner doubt you have in yourself. A worry that what I say is true, rather than childish insults tossed easily across a computer screen. Believe it or not, 99% of white people aren’t racist, we’re just pissed off that you can’t drop it. That the unashamedly racist democrats can’t fucking drop it. Africa held the slave trade for 7000 years. White man held the slave trade for 200 years, and then went on a series of wars to end it. We were almost successful too, but the democrats man… They were the ones who ran it for 400 years. They built the KKK and Jim crow. They opposed the civil rights era until MLKJr came to them and said “name your price”. Black people went from labor slaves to vote slaves. From getting away from the plantation and making something of themselves… to living in the projects, generation upon generation stuck in the welfare system and voting for their masters so that the check keeps coming. Affirmative action, which you feel entitled to? It’s a statement. You’re useless. Can’t get by without a handout. And you’re going to praise the person giving it to you. And tremble in fear at the thought it may one day disappear because some republican says, you can stand on your own two feet, fuck the welfare system. Heh… heh… heh… Yes, I’m here with a grin on my face. Not because you or I are soulless monsters,.. but because you’re a spineless one.
Rants like that are feeding you yes because you are the troll !!
Glad you put more word into that Everything that you just wrote is the white supremacist mind no surprise , unleashed the alien caveman that was using the well known trick and say : I am not a racist I am just saying what I think loool your word are what define exactly a racist . It also shows that you mad though lmao .
I will take some statement :
Heu stop pretending you are not a troll and that you are not your buddy George Gibson who I was chatting with on the same subject before . We all know how a troll work , denying is so pathetically coward .
What I state is Marxist you say again : weird I never read him but I think like him … well some shit he must have been someone for you to be so touchy about me unveiling your racist /white supremacist mind
The monkey ref it’s bc I know how uncreative soulless dick head works you are copying the same shit said by your racist great grand father and the racist one before you stop kinding yourself you have nothing in you .Understanding your racist state of mind it is what gives me confidence , I am not gonna be checking what you lies said you stupid or what ? I know them already I know all your pathetic insult and way of lying I won’t give any racist credit it is not my job , you gouvernement do this everyday . Every partie left and right , your imperialist “governmentship “is based on this hierarchy of oppression . So as far as I am concern i owe you nothing .
I am not neither a democrat nor a Marxist I just hate white supremacist like you .
LMFAO LMFAO You think by stated a thing it makes it true an other WS trick. you are so pathetic , you want me to believe 99% of white people are not racist .
First of I believe indeed what I want and second some things are clearly inherent to your hierarchy of oppression way of treating people . So every white person is consciously or not racist , some are displaying more hatred than other ( like you troll swastika shit) other do nothing to change the system and benefit from it so they are part of the problem if they are not part of the solution . And 1% indeed really fight so few few few .
Black people we will continue to speak about racism because is what the western societies are built on :this hierarchy of oppression dumb ass . You are tired of it do not care about your feelings either
I will spit insult at you forever because being a white supremacist is inherently stupid and soulless so the only exchange we will have is me cursing at you . You want to stop do not talk to me anymore like I said I won’t do you any favor stop looking for it .. like most black people know that white supremacists will never stop because it is who they are , living for this centuries beliefs that their alien bodies are superior to the nature and the human ones . So as long as white supremacists like you exist and that we recognize you through your ideas and choice in life ( in every aspect of life : professional , economical , private , internet , in the streets , in relationships , in politics , in institution , in arts, in families , in other countries etc. ) Black people will speak up about racism . You will be tired till you die . I do not fucking care .
The white supremacist/ racist alien auto proclaimed savior of Africa say that the whole continent held slavery . First of all again the rethoric that you people stated in the history books, feeding your children with lies still today to justify you hatred for human lives, aliens , do not work with me . Second of all now it is the democrat’s fault , do not care you are the same for me regarding the hierarchy of oppression at the base of all your western societies so Regarding racism . By the way Stop trying to make believe that not all white people to deflect on your white supremacist nazi way of thinking , we are talking about everything you said from the beginning right here right now . Do not care about the other whites YOU ARE For now the soulless ALIEN CAVEMAN!
Affirmative action ?? In Africa ? You are stupid I won’t take the time for it or just say Shut the fuck up dummy . See ? That is why the only answer to you is insult you are inherently stupid your body is empty, all of it !
Welfare ? In Africa ?? Same thing what are you talking about ? One day you talk about Europe the other about America sometimes you remember that the topic was about Africa . I know that black people are everywhere and that is what is scaring the shit out of the pure alien blood white supremacist lmao but come on display more wit than that . Go back to your alien vessel and ask for help here . Do what you did with your other account leave and come back with a new account who will try to be smarter it’s the only way for you .
And I mean what I said you white supremacist / racist we saw your head on every tv in the world in Charlottesville, your photos too and I still think that you are a soulless alien .
The grin on your face is the joker/Hitler’s grin of inherent “sadique “feeling of satisfaction about being a white supremacist with no other fulfilling than hatred for other culture . a son of bitch
Devon Jolly: Go suck Odin’s dick, you dumb honky.
Is that really your best come-back? You are a sad sorry little man. You have my pity.
Keep your eye on posters like gibson george and devon jolly as they are soldiers in the new race war being fought through social media. Stay vigilant and eradicate them through education. Never argue with a fool, lest you be the wiser….
Education can’t stop a bullet, but it can show you how to us one against Nazis. There’s no crime in killing a criminal.
Actually there is? It’s called murder. Or assault. You only get away with it post arrest if you can prove self defense. Or are a leftie wearing a mask.
DJ: Again, you keep on making up shit to make yourself feel good. Typical white-boy solipsism.
What the Asians really want is NOT Africa: it’s Europe and America. Africa and its resources are simply the first leg of the journey. They are not going to achieve global supremacy as long as you people are running the show. When they are firmly entrenched in Africa and mooching its resources to the limit they can simply pluck you fools away. Keep dreaming if you think these yellow imperialists are merely content to keep south of the Equator.
You don’t know much about economics do you? If china manages to get their citizens into the middle class with even half the effectiveness that america has, they’ll completely outclass us or any European country in economic might. They already rival us, which is a change of mindbogglingly rapid proportions from the mere allowance of 40 years of capitalism.
Do they want to rule in place of america as THE geopolitical power? Sure, what country doesn’t? That was the whole point of the globalist agenda for the EU rising to become a sovereign Europe as opposed to 3 dozen disparate countries.
This doesn’t mean they like Africans. Read their papers some time, they’re hilariously racist against black people. The only good black person is an Indian in the eyes of the Chinese press, and the indians are the great regional rival.
DJ: You’re an idiot. You have no clue that China wants a leg in Africa so it can be better positioned to blow you Europeans to kingdom come. Never thought of that, did you?
China prefers trading with Europe to trading with just about everybody else and has spent trillions of dollars on megaprojects to connect with them economically. Seems a waste if all they wanted was another 60’s era Cuba/Turkey nuclear proxy.
And FYI you must be playing the nazi dummy who do not know that your great uncle Hitler and his brothers développed the IQ TEST . You play the smart white just when it suits you . Anyone can write : nazi invented IQ TEST on google will find multiple sources . So fuck yourself you’re the one not to be trusted here
DJ: By 2050 there won’t even be a Europe, so you won’t have much to laugh about I’m afraid.
So long as you believe what lets you sleep at night Phil. I kinda doubt it though, because this exact situation happened once before, and once the Europeans got tired, their response was to start the crusades.
In the meantime, GG, you and your ilk should consider suicide, because the world does NOT need a Fourth or Fifth Reich. And if you insist in getting a Fourth or Fifth Reich be prepared for absolute war on the one hand and on the other, the absolute destruction of the West. And NO, THERE WON’T BE A MARSHALL PLAN TO REBUILD AFTER WORLD WAR THREE IS OVER.
Reagan and Thatcher helped to create the global chaos that we are in today, not “Marxists” you alt-right dipshit.
I guess I also received that “Dark Continent” mindset from “I have been to London to see the Queen” schools. But luckily, I later on found the real history of Africa, and Europe.
thanks for your blog especially on Germany and Scotland
Great article and useful for trips when I just don’t want to deal with the stares, etc. Luckily for me, a few long looks, pointing, or a sharp response are the only negative acts I’ve received during my travels. And, it’s crazy how much excitement you get just for favoring Serena. I wonder if you could take it to the next level by carrying a tennis racket?!
I have experienced it as, but I am quick to ask them what are they staring at, or do they have a problem. I have went as far as saying things, and they have nothing to say. You will be fine!
Sad that I just read this blog and about Nice and now it’s in the news for all the wrong and sad reasons.
I’ll pass on being celebrated and spoiled because they’re ignorance. I don’t look anything like Rihanna lol and I wouldn’t care for the assumption about what kind of ppl travel
Would you say that it’s possible that you being physically attractive and a woman helped? I’m asking out of concern for myself, being a black man. I’ve been to Berlin and it seemed to be okay if you made attempts at speaking German, but we were okay. We being my three travel companions: two Hispanic women and a Black British woman. I want to know if I’ll only be treated this nicely in the other four cities by proxy if I have a woman with me, or if you believe that I’ll genuinely be treated nice by most people. I’ll even settle for not treated with animosity. I don’t know if you traveled alone or in groups but I commend you for just getting out there and exploring. I ask this because I just really want to travel more and not have to worry about facing discrimination because black men are portrayed as violent and people with locs all smoke weed. I’m just kind of tired of it. I’ll accept that no matter where I go there will be people like that.
I think you should carry yourself with a polite demeanor just as you probably already do here in the US. If you’re being polite and someone acts like a jerk, it’s on them. Just as it is here. Ignore the jack@$$es and carry on…
Exactly! Beauty privilege.
I really enjoyed this read and for some reason before opening the post I knew Vienna, Austria where I live would sadly not be on the list, and I was right. I was surprised not to see Amsterdam on my list – but positively surprised to see Montenegro – a place I have been looking forward to visiting for a while. As a black woman living in Vienna this is great insight.
Had the pleasure of visiting Krakow years ago. Friendly people, beautiful city, and the best Chinese food I’ve ever had. I still think about it sometimes.
Hi, unfortunately I find your blog and insta just now. So if I would have known that you are in town we could have met for a beer and I could have shown you around. Like your blog posts, pics, videos! Great work! Pls enjoy touring around our beautiful europe! And besides: not only Berlin (which is my birthplace and home town), but Munich is a wonderful city for colored people to live here, too. There are some bars, night clubs where mostly african people and also some bavarians go to as they play nearly only real good african music, especially from the west coast. So next time you are in Munich, check out the Lassavane disco 🙂
Thank you so much for this blog post and for sharing a much needed perspective. It came at a most necessary time for me. I just returned from two months in Asia (Vietnam, Thailand, and Japan). The worst part by far was the treatment I received from European travelers on holiday. I have not been to Europe as of yet but have many family members who live there. I was considering not going because of my Asian trip but now I know some cities I can add to my European trip with a certain level of comfort.
Ignore the ignorance, and keep exploring!
I just wanted to that you for posting this wonderful slice of positivity! It is truly a breath of fresh air.
It would be interested to know which 5 countries in Africa is white skin welcome
South Africa and Namibia are full of whites (as you surely know). You will have more trouble being a black man from Zimbabwe, Nigeria or Somalia in South African, than as a white person from Europe.
What about crime and the racist murders of white farmers.
Some districts of Eastern Berlin are actually pretty risky for people of color: Marzahn, Hellersdorf and Treptow-Oberschöneweide (among others) have a pretty high rate of Neo-Nazis, Hooligans, Pegida bullies and AFD rightwingers. From a Black German – born and raised in Berlin!
It won’t keep me from going in August.
As a tourist you will typically not end up in these problematic districts anyway. You most likely end up in Kreuzberg-Friedichshain, Neukölln and Mitte, those are the districts that cater to hedonist tourists and hipsters. Most tourists don’t get to see the whole range of Berlin neighbourhoods = the real Berlin. They usually only get to see those environments that look totally interchangeably with places like Williamsburg NYC, Norrebro Copenhagen or East London.
I don’t understand what is the FASCINATION with Europe? I mean I been in almost every country in Europe except one or two. I myself find Africa to be fascinating. I reside temporarily in Kenya and find the culture and scenery beautiful. I stayed in the middle east and find it interesting and cultural, but your fascination with EUROPE is mind boggling !!
You know the answer to that already!
‘Love it Gloria, and totally agree!
I’ve been living abroad as an expat for close to 20 years in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Germany. ‘Hasn’t been a problem. And yes, treated like a princess wherever I go. I’ll also add Hong Kong, Thailand, Bali, Taiwan, the Philippines, and Vietnam to this mix. In Vietnam, I had local Vietnamese women touching my skin in wonder and admiration. In the Philippines, they couldn’t do enough to guide me. And in Taiwan, everyone was just so pleased to see me, and rushing to help whenever I looked even the slightest bit lost. Oh yeah, and Poland. I’m pretty much a star and the new (sic) Michelle Obama!
Go for it people and never let anything stand in your way. Male or female.
p.s. When I took my son to Thailand, the parents all swooned, or asked whether he was Asian! p.s. He was 12 years old at the time and has a sort of Tiger Woods look lol!
my top five are 1 Oslo 2 berlin 3 prague 4Copenhagen 5 Amsterdam
I must disagree about Black folks going to Germany. Many clubs have a policy against letting Black people in the clubs.
Probably cuz they dont like to see their sisters and friends ending up pregnant and along raising a family where daddy ran off.
Lol, stereotypes aside
The price of Biggggie goes to the latino Ecuadorians 😉
The only problems caused by foreigners is when mass immigration occurs and those people cause problems e.g. By not integrating.
Just be nice, learn the native tongue, and such.
And then I (we) will treat you nicely.
You get what you give
You come here, you adapt
Win win,
I don’t have to learn your native tongue to integrate, fucking speak English! That’s what others do an that’s why English is widely spoken.
Excellent blog Gloria and great pictures; thanks for sharing. It’s good to know that not all Europeans are discourteous. I am an African american male, and I have lived in the UK for a little over a month now. The jury is still out regarding my assessment of folks courtesy here; so far, it is on par with the states. For reference, as an American citizen, I have always felt like a second class citizen (or foreigner); possibly has something do with the fact that I am from the south… I realize the blog is about Europe, and I do intend to visit other countries while on business. But I would like to give my 2 cents on folks hospitality towards African-descendants in other countries. Feel free to delete if you don’t think this applies. To give you context, I’ve traveled to the following countries: Brazil, Mexico, Turkey, Jordan, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, Italy, France, and the UK. Of the few countries I’ve visited, I must say that I have felt the most welcomed in the Middle East/Africa (Jordan, KSA, UAE, Egypt). Other than the Philippines and possibly India, I am not keen to visit Asia. Regardless of all of this, I thank God that I have a job that sends me to these locations to fix problems that couldn’t be fixed by their own countrymen; helping others is fulfilling. I am happy, therefore, folks can think of me however they want; it shows that they have personal problems and I don’t do crazy. I do think that it’s hilarious that people are so worried, preoccupied and fearful about things they cannot control. Their discourtesy and rudeness doesn’t stop me from living my life and turning up. Actually, their discourtesy towards me is a badge of honor. Thanks again for your blog.
You said that Scottish people have banter about how much they hate the “brits”, has it ever occurred to you that Scotland is in Britain? The Scottish are technically “Brits”
From my impression of Scottish folks, they tend to have a separate identity from mainland Brits, and are very proud of their own culture. I believe that is what she was referring to.
She actually addresses this in the article, indicating the Scottish are Brits.
Im a black male that will love to visit outside the USA. Im from St. Louis, Mo and I am completely ignorant to the race facts of different countries. I lived in Anchorage, AK for ten years and I was (slightly) welcomed by some people. Just wondering if people in other countries treated you well because you are a black female and not a black male?
I hope you will still travel outside of the US. We all know that racism exists everywhere–don’t let it stop you from following your desire to travel.
Thank you.
Mario Edwards
I’ve been treated well in most places I’ve been. But also consider that some places are just generally friendlier than others and it has nothing to do with race. I think a lot of it has to do with the “why” of it. Why are you traveling? To meet people? Looking for love? Or just enjoying the town and sightseeing? It all depends. And that applies no matter where you go, domestically or abroad. I’d suggest just going and maybe connecting with a tour group to give you an overview of a place if you’re uncomfortable. And keep in mind, you ARE the foreigner so like anywhere, most people will be cool, others will just roll their eyes and you keep it moving.
I love and appreciate this post so much. It makes me want to hurry up and travel knowing these environments exist. Cannot wait to explore the other parts of the world!
I think that you may feel comfortable in each city. However, in every place, there are unfriendly and inhumane people. And if you meet more unkind people, it may seem that the whole city is against tourists.
Very true! But I think there’s also a very clear vibe you can sense right away from the overall reception, not just based on a few isolated incidents.
Thailand, for example, 9 times out of 10, black people will have an amazing time there. As opposed to a country like Russia, for example, where 2 out of 10 people might have a good time.
There are subconscious perceptions every culture carries about others based on their history and what the media feeds them. Thanks for this comment though, brings up a good point.
I’ve visited Europe 4 times since 1999 and while I won’t go so far as to say Europeans welcome Blacks with open arms, they tend in general to be far more pleasant than one’s White fellow Americans. I can’t comment on Montenegro or Poland or Scotland, but I felt rather welcomed in Berlin (though I did see the N word spray-painted on walls and rubble on my way to Sachsenhausen), Prague, and even Salzburg. Racism does exist in Europe – let’s not pretend otherwise. You may be viewed one way as a tourist, but if you lived there it might be a whole nother ball game. Rick Steves has a forum for people of color on his site, and there are tons of posts from people who have had really awful experiences in Europe, Black, Asian, & Latin. I can’t say I’d want to live in Europe permanently, the cost of living is way too high and I’m too used to my American creature comforts.
Those white folks that use the N word hate themselves. I’m still trying to figure out WHY they have so much animosity toward melanated people. Is it because the lack of pigmentation? What? Don’t say history, because we can go into great details of the history of white folks destruction that they have cause throughout world history. Way back.
These white graffiti artists use N—– because they think it’s cool and identify with Tupac’s bullcrap.
I’m black and mine is not a big dong but what I can do with it is amazing!
very beautiful places! i like your look with brown hat!
Im mixed raced so Im hated everywhere on the planet earth even in my own hometown. Im scared to leave my own house.
are you crazy…they thought you were serena Williams..what does that tell you?
I had one in Dubai call me Nicki Minaj. Actually, they are being funny, but I didn’t see as a joke.
I don’t know much about Poland. I didn’t have much of a welcoming feeling from them even my fiancé being Polish. Maybe Krakow is different.
@TheBlogAbroad:disqus You are too good, Thanks for such amazing information & tour of 5 cities
Is this article a joke?
Such a stupid thing to say, really. Besides studies that show that Caucasians and Blacks have exactly the same erect penis size, in Europe blacks are not considered “studs” as well. European are fitter than Americans, read more, travel more, eat better and flirt with more style.
I’m sorry but circulating this myth won’t do you any favours in Europe 🙂
while you sitting typing this post,, your girl is getting some mandingo dick and screaming black lives matter.
Yeah, and yours obeys a white master while imagining how great would her mixed baby look…
You see where I’m going with this.
Yeah, you are suuuch an internet stud.T his is what happens when watch porn for hours, every day, for years.
Your brain melts.
If you were in the 80s, you ‘d become a pizza delivery guy to “seduce lonely housewives”?
LoL. Good one.
Why would anyone who has such distrust for whites WANT to go to Europe? “Because I can go anywhere I want to,” is an indirect response. I can go to Africa, but I don’t.
Even blacks who take on the “whites oppress blacks” narrative seem inexplicably drawn to the white world.
Lol @ #milkingit … she dead was pretending to be Serena Willams lol
Sorry folks i am eurasian caucasoid in europe we dont really want black people to come in huge numbers and forcefully mix with our beautiful European folk.east europe is asia and never has any duty or guilt towards afrika ! West europe ruled world not whole europe !
Neither asians worship afrika too much only a small number of them be sure of that.
Eurasia from Portugal to East siberia is the only relevant place in human history ! It could have been also Afrika or Amerikas but it just happened to be Eurasia ! Hope u get my clear to global tsunami migration i agree Europeans back home from Amerikas and Australia and Zealand thou.
White folks have FORCEFULLY mix with BEAUTIFUL folks around the world. Bye!
Troll fail sweety.what i said is facts leave me alone and white folks alone.
Last wonen will be born in Brazil before year 5000 says
You are seriously debating with a guy that likes his own posts?
He’s just angry he can’t get laid.
Really, racism can be a good thing, as it shows you clearly a person who is moronic enough you should never breed with.
You are all welcome in Europe, we might exile a few racist scumbags to make enough room for you though 🙂
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Thank you for this article. ❤️
Thanks so much for reading and dropping by! <3
Out of curiosity, could your wonderful experiences in these countries be a result of you #milkinit due to them thinking you were Serena Williams and not just an average African American traveler? And to admit signing autographs with her name is not the smartest thing to put in your blog. I still plan on travelling but I find it difficult to put much credibility behind this post.
Hi, thanks for reading! I’d definitely say it was a combination of both. For some of these people they were literally telling me i was the first black woman they ever met in person, and it excited them.
They see us on TV and movies, and I’m sure they form their own opinions, and I hope I’m able to negate negative stereotypes in these short exchanges.
I tweeted Serena the first time I told her I was being called her name and totally denied it! I think you should do more research on the destinations you want to travel to and form your own conclusion at the end of the day 🙂
Exactly. They don’t judge your status or your value because they think you’re a celebrity! makes me wish I was Serena Williams… If you’re an ordinary black person, you will be perceived as low status.
Awesome it seems for surely.
Eastern Europe is rapidly getting more dangerous for any skin color. Countries in western Europe are more safer with protected borders and less of a Muslim influence. The grass isn’t always greener where you may want to go. Places like South Africa I have heard stories about the impoverished Black people, who beg daily for for food. There are two South Africa’s, one for the educated and cultured and the uneducated dirt poor.
I hate to say this but I think you’re delusional. I am really glad for you that you think these are safe places but my belief is that your experiences are positive based upon this:
– You’re an attractive black woman.
If you were an unattractive black woman or a black man, this would not be happening. It is always fascinating how many attractive women find the world to be such a nice, friendly place and not realise why other people don’t have the same experiences.
As they say, YMMV (your mileage may vary). I’m an average black man and when we talk about “safe” the question is relative to what? I think women in general need to be aware when traveling alone because there are men who will take advantage as long as she’s on the planet earth, LA, Chicago, London, Shanghai, Paris or Lagos. That being said, for any person to not travel at all because of what might happen away from home is a true shame. This is a big and yes, beautiful world. And it’s also got some extreme ugly. But so is life.
That is a really depressing list, useful only if you have crushingly low levels of self-esteem. I have been to many of these places. Berlin hardly sees a Black face, and Afro-Germans have this haunted, broken way about them. The only places on planet Earth where you are welcome as a Black person are in Africa.
Thank you for this article. i have lived in London my whole life, i have travelled europe slightly. I am surprised at number 4 Poland, because Polish people in London as a collective are truly racist and hate black people. I have hardly ever had a good encounter with a polish person. Greece, apart from athens, crete, ios, paros, corfu etc those island appreciate black people dearly too. But i really needed this post i have actually been google searching, because i want to travel europe more, but i want to go to black people friendly citys. So now all i need to do is book my ticket. Sharing this post as we speak! Thank you so much.
check out my blog posts about my alone travels, i had a mixed encounters.
Hey sis!
I’ve definitely heard some scary stories about Poles, but just like black people don’t want to be painted with the same broad stroke when the bad apples make headlines, every other race should be the same.
I found them to be welcoming at best and curious at worst, but again, there’s so much discrepancy that should be accounted for — the weather, peak/low tourist season, local sports teams winning, etc.
I appreciate your comment and will check out your blog post now! Keep going, girlfriend!
I like this article so much and can say that this is really useful for all.
i found this article on a whim while searching for “places african americans can travel that white americans are advised not to.” A product of thoughts that I havent fully developed yet. Anywho I enjoyed the article, great job!
LOL! It’s always so funny hearing what people searched to land them here. This article will be relevant for ages to come, because the reality is there are just some places that welcome us better than others.
Thanks for reading!
Blacks cause their own problems. They are ten percent of the
population but commit over fifty percent of the crime. They are hood rats and
disgusting. Until they own their own shit and clean up their own communities
without blaming others for their own filth they will continue to be disgusting.
Hi Boyd!
What an intelligent comment. It’s people like you that remind me that ignorance and a lack of education transcends any color. I hope you seek the shelter and mental healhcare you need to operate at a functional level with the rest of humanity.
Sending love,
Nigzerangs are 10 percent of the population in the US but commit 50 percent of the crime. its the same in every country. Name me one city or town, one state or country where blacks took over and made it a paradise? You can not but the list is long on where they took over and turned it into a hell hole. Give them homes an they will piss in them like the animals they are.
Again, it’s never too late to seek mental help or get an education. I know forming coherent thoughts on the internet can be hard but I’m rooting for you! You can do this! Books are a great place to start, and one day, you will get to a intellectual level where you won’t have to resort to elementary vocabulary to get a point across. Have an awesome weekend, Boyd! 🙂
Jorge education very low.
The author of this blog needs to step up and control the comment section. It’s littered with bigots. They seek out black sites to destroy and you all allow it because you love comments at any cost. Trust me, ppl like this are destroying your site and all you’re trying to accomplish.
Thank you for this article. I wish I would have discovered it before we left tge US (SC) for our trip here in Scotland/Ireland. This is my first trip abroad and have had an amazing time. The people in both countries have been amazingly kind and inclusive. I am writing a journal to include some travel tips or things I’ve learned while traveling. Do you have something like a basic tips and tricks on your blog site already?
Again thank you for writing this and I hope to get to some of these places soon!
Are you sure you’re welcomed in these places or exoticized? There’s a difference. I’d want to be welcomed into the physical science, math, or information technology fields in the job market, not put up on a pedestal, stared at, have my skin touched and all of that – that’s exotification not equal or decent treatment.
Oh .. The red carpet is really laid out and I took amusement rides on luxury yachts or signed the autograph of Serena Williams on the beach, then your days are done pretty nicely. This is true! Thanks..
Looks like she went on a swirl fest
Ooooh, swirl like the ice-cream? My favorite!
wow..somewhere in the world there are plenty of places which I’ve never seen..I must to do something with that…not still as young as I am for a long
I am very glad, there are places, that we are welcomed.
Indeed! Black travelers are increasing in numbers and other countries are finally getting used to that.
…to play with, or fetishize over, but what about to TEACH them or have as lawyers or physicists or mathematicians?
Hi Pamela!
Thanks for reading! Indeed fetishization of ANY color or culture will be a thing, but it has to be approached on an individual basis. I’m not naive enough to think I’m not lusted after by some, but I’m also not cynical enough to believe that every encounter I have is rooted in an underlying sexual desire.
Strangers, women, store owners and more, getting to meet a black woman from halfway across the world, with a different culture and language than they grew up with, is as pure and genuine of a cultural exchange as it gets.
I’ve had a fair share of life-changing conversations with strangers turned friends, and I hope you get to have some too! Life is better when we stop approaching everything with a negative eye.
Thanks sooo much for this! I’m almost out of highschool and I want to travel around but as a black female, my parents were really worried about my wellbeing in different countries. You’ve given me a great peace of mind and some direction!
Glad you had positive experiences. Now try that again without the halo of celebrity. Mistaken or otherwise. Or go as a black male. Its not the same experience at all. I will admit i didnt go to scotland though.
My son wants to visit his best friend in Denmark. Would you recommend my 16 year African American son doing so?
it also helps that you’re attractive… just saying.
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I just stumbled across your blog and found it to be so refreshing. I use to travel for a company I worked for 13 years ago. I was lucky enough to travel to places like Okinawa Japan, Southampton London nine different cities in Italy, Puebla Mexico, Jamaica and the Cayman Islands. I never had any issues with me being a black woman except living here in Northern California. I have traveled to so many different states and have never had any issues. Now that we are in 2021 trying to put 2020 behind us, would traveling abroad be the same? I look forward to living vicariously through you and your travels. Enjoy