Why I’m Leaving America Indefinitely & What Happens Next…

Estimated Reading Time: 10 minutes

I think I’m pretty (stop the sentence here, JK) overdue for a personal post with some life updates. Because a lot has happened and changed in a short amount of time, and I’m still trying to grasp and make sense of it all.

I’ve been a bit reclusive lately, finding sufficient company by the crowd of my own thoughts.…

The Blog Abroad’s Top 10 Hate Comments From 2016

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

So every year I like to compile some of my favorite and most creative insults and hate comments that are spewed my way via Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, or Twitter.

Last year’s recap is one of the most read articles on my blog, which basically confirms you guys are the worst that everybody loves drama and a little bit of sh*t talking.…

How Donald Trump Succeeded At Showing The World Everything Wrong With America

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

Donald Trump Is Everything Wrong With America | TheBlogAbroad.com

If Donald Trump were a flight, he’d be a one-way ticket to hell.

Yet half the country has already boarded the plane, and despite the terrible turbulence [his track record], unstable engine [his mind], and a pilot so unqualified to run anything besides his mouth, we still have people willing to take flight to Mount Misogyny anyway.…

The 10 Most Ridiculous Pick-Up Lines I Got From Italian Men

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

Now before we dive into half the reason you all clicked this article to begin with (hi pervs), it’s hard not to laugh at the boldness of the gorgeous, and too-aggressive-for-my-taste, ways of some of the Italian speciMEN of this world.

Disclaimer: I have many Italian male friends who are lovely people, and I hope they don’t read this, but if they do, Hi and tell your friends/neighbors/male compadres that this is both counterproductive and creepy if their goal is to woo a foreigner like me.

How To Pack Like A Pro!

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

Now, before we get carried away, I should mention that I use the word “Pro” here very generously. The idea that anyone could be a professional at parting ways with more than half of their belongings and still maintain a smile and upward position (as opposed to a fetal one while crying), is nothing short of a miracle I’ve yet to fully grasp.…

I finally return to America only to be told I look like…

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

I can’t help but secretly laugh at the irony of this situation and being told something I would only expect to hear in less progressive cities outside of the western world.

I was three days into being back on American soil (after being abroad for two years straight), trying hard to assimilate back into our consumeristic society.…

2015 in Rewind | The Good, The Bad, & The Awkward

Estimated Reading Time: 10 minutes

I couldn’t enter the new year without writing a quick post reviewing the whirlwind of the year I had.

It feels like just yesterday when I was writing my 2014 Year in Rewind post, which is a scary reminder at how fast and fleeting life can be.

So much has happened this year and so many of you have just started following along, that it’d almost be a disservice not to recap some highlights and crucial moments that got me where I am today.…

Don’t Judge a Country By Its Cover(age)

Estimated Reading Time: 8 minutes  

In an attempt to bring justice to the beauty that is the Balkan Peninsula, I wanted to give you guys a quick recap of my latest Busabout tour through a region I not only felt comfortable calling home, but would relocate to in a heartbeat if I needed a break from my nomad life.

My tour started in Istanbul, Turkey and ended in Split, Croatia passing through the countries of Greece, Albania, and Montenegro in between.…

The Most Cheap, Beautiful, & Underrated Village in Europe

Estimated Reading Time: 15 minutes

I’m going to be completely honest, as opposed to my usual lying and deceitful ways?, and let you know that when I learned Český Krumlov (pronounced: chesky) was a stop on my current Busabout tour, I wondered if it was a typo, or maybe a shortcut to get into Vienna.

I have to admit, I fell victim to the wrong type of travel — only anticipating the visits to the well-known cities.…

PRAGUE: My Least Favorite City in Europe

Estimated Reading Time: 15 minutes

I never thought I’d ever make a post about a city I hated, because quite frankly, I’m an easy pleaser that’s what she said, and it really doesn’t take much to make me happy (take note, future hubby!). But I’ve been asked this question before, and I never truly had an answer until now.

I’ve had my qualms with British and French authority, but for the most part, it takes a lot for me to flat out say, “I HATE THIS CITY”.

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