Identifying weakness: the real reason I chopped my hair

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes

Identifying my weakness: The real reason I chopped my hair

If you know anything about me and how I operate, I’m highly strategic about most aspects of my life.

Before I’ve done something, I’ve already mapped out why I need to do it, because the dance around the playground of pros and cons can be never-ending.

Without sounding like an extremist, I’ve always been someone who’s either all in or all out.…

My Rollercoaster 2019: Post-Surgery Struggles, Suicidal Thoughts, & Recovery

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

My Rollercoaster 2019: Post-Surgery Struggles, Suicidal Thoughts, & Recovery |

Blogging, my old friend. It’s been a year since my last blog post, and this wasn’t how I imagined I’d return, alas, here we are.

It’s a horrifying thing to write such vulnerable accounts of your life, but I’m a firm believer that the most powerful thing you can do, is share your story, and liberate others who feel trapped and alone by their circumstances.…

Documenting Growth: January Reflections & February Intentions

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes

Documenting Growth: January Reflections & February Intentions | The Blog Abroad

“Some people are so poor, that all they have is their money.” — Rodolfo Costa

This is one of many quotes that I’ve written on my mantra pad, to remember and recite whenever I feel necessary.

It can be challenging sometimes, especially as a woman who has more ambition than the average person, to be so loud and proud on her journey and not feel like society wants you to be quiet and compliant in your little corner.

The good, the bad, and the ugly sides of influencer marketing

Estimated Reading Time: 8 minutes

The good, the bad, and the ugly sides of influencer marketing | The Blog Abroad

Fun fact: Many breakfasts die a cold, slow death due to the deadly-long waiting times from these kind of Instagram photos.

There’s only one of three reasons why you clicked this article: either you’re an influencer, you’re a brand, or you’re just really nosey. Ha! I humbly welcome the audience of all three, because with all the negative press the influencer industry has been getting lately, I thought I’d chime in with some thoughts to hopefully balance out the conversation and add some perspective to both sides.…

Why Egypt Should Move to the Top of Your Bucket List

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes

If your idea of what Egypt is like stops at the image of the Pyramids of Giza, then you are greatly mistaken about the layers of history and beauty that’s waiting to be found in this country.

Egypt is a country that’s been on my mind for a while, and it’s a place many of my friends have expressed the desire to travel to, but they’re typically hesitant about doing it alone.…

I’ve seen a third of the world’s countries, these are my 10 favorite…

Estimated Reading Time: 10 minutes

When I think about how much beauty around the world I’ve been blessed to see across 60+ countries on 6 continents, I can’t help but have every destination flash before my eyes.

But it’s no secret that there are some places that tug at your heart just a little stronger than others.

This list might change by the year or even month, but as of January 2018, these are my current thoughts on the most-coveted question of which countries are my favorite.…

Cape Town: The Most Unique City in the World

Estimated Reading Time: 10 minutes

Cape Town, South Africa is hands down the most unique city in the world to me. Though I can only compare it to a few hundred cities in the 50+ countries I’ve trotted through, there’s something special about this place that no other city I’ve seen can offer.

There’s also a Capetonian pride that drapes the walls, mountains, and ocean that outline the city.…

Cultural Clash | Why I And Many Others Will Gladly Serve Our Husband’s Food First

Estimated Reading Time: 6 minutes

The sound of cultures clashing has such a melodic tune when perspective is gained at the end of it. Who knew such a simple question could spark so much debate, yield so many answers, and invite endless dialogue?

Last night I took to Facebook and posed the following question:

If you’re at a party with your husband (hypothetically-speaking for the singles) and the food is ready, do you prepare/fix a plate to serve him first, or do you get your plate for yourself and he does the same?

Johannesburg, South Africa – Conversations, Colors, and Culture

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes

“First and foremost, my seestah, welcome home.” A black South African greets me with this as he learns I’m from the U.S.

I feel this familial aura in the air. This overwhelming sense of comfort. Of pride. Of belonging.

Everywhere I go, the people look like me. They walk like me. And they even talk like me with a hint of sass and character intonating their vowels, giving character to their speech.…

A Beginner’s Guide On How To Avoid Being Dragged Off A Plane By United Airlines

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

How To Avoid Being Dragged Off A Plane By United Airlines

While the title and my subsequent text might make it seem like I’m making light of someone else’s trauma, I think it’s also important to find ways to use jest and humor rather than outrage, so we don’t further perpetuate the declining popularity of business as usual in America.

After all, this local viral uproar has become international news overnight.…

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