My 10 Biggest Mistakes As a Travel Blogger

Estimated Reading Time: 15+ minutes

Look at you guys — falling over yourselves to read about my biggest mistakes and failures. Screw you all, I know why you’re here. JK.

But really, I always try to write posts like this every now and then for the sake of rare transparency in this field, especially if you look at my life or any other travel bloggers’ and think it’s perfect.…

Johannesburg, South Africa – Conversations, Colors, and Culture

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes

“First and foremost, my seestah, welcome home.” A black South African greets me with this as he learns I’m from the U.S.

I feel this familial aura in the air. This overwhelming sense of comfort. Of pride. Of belonging.

Everywhere I go, the people look like me. They walk like me. And they even talk like me with a hint of sass and character intonating their vowels, giving character to their speech.…

Why I Stopped Letting Housekeeping Tidy Up My Room

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

Being on vacation means that sometimes the hardest question you’ll have to ask yourself is ‘how soon is too soon for cocktails?’ and ‘do I keep the “DO NOT DISTURB” sign on so housekeeping skips over my room?’ 

I empathize to the deepest degree with your dilemma.

And after a couple random run-ins and a few chats with housekeepers here in Brazil, it led me to ask my Facebook network about their thoughts which you could see/read their responses in its entirety here.…

The Sad Truth About Racism In Every Country

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

There’s a question I get 10x more than any other one when it comes to my blog, and it involves traveling while black — one of the biggest crimes of America indicators that we are nowhere near a post-racial society.

By the way, if you’ve never had to question whether a certain country might treat your race or skin color differently than everyone else, that is the definition of privilege.…

The Top 5 Countries in Europe to Visit as a Black Woman

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

Let’s be honest — being a black woman in this world is hard sometimes. We have to keep our white co-workers confused educated about our hairstyles, we’re born with hypnotic rhythm practically two-stepping ourselves out the womb, and putting on sunscreen while at the beach is more or less optional, rather than necessary.

The struggle is real y’all!…

Travel or a Relationship: Why Are Women Having to Choose?

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

I’m not a man-hater most days, but I am fiercely independent. So when I get regular emails from aspiring female travelers feeling like they have to put their desire to travel on hold because their significant other isn’t comfortable with it, I cringe inside.

If you’ve ever felt like traveling the world and maintaining a relationship back home were mutually exclusive concepts, I’ve been sent here by the good Lord himself to deliver some breaking news — ’tis simply not the case.…

The Blog Abroad’s Top 10 Hate Comments From 2016

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

So every year I like to compile some of my favorite and most creative insults and hate comments that are spewed my way via Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, or Twitter.

Last year’s recap is one of the most read articles on my blog, which basically confirms you guys are the worst that everybody loves drama and a little bit of sh*t talking.…

10 Things To Talk About When Your Friend Who Always Travels Comes Home

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

Remember that one friend from college who went to go find love themselves in Thailand, and then ended up embarking on a crazy world adventure, and now 3 years later, they’re coming back home and want to meet up, and you have no idea where to even start with catching up?

Ahh, bless. Those glorious low-maintenance friendships where you can go months, even years, without talking and pick things up seamlessly once you reunite in person, are the best.…

The Best & Worst Things About Traveling While Black

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

“Serena Williams!”

“Serena Williams, please! Sign for my kids!” I hear from the distance as a Serbian man runs towards me, seemingly starstruck.

I do a double-take his direction, amused by his claim, but obviously in complete denial that he could be referring to me.

Surely, he’s kidding. I mean, Serena Williams? Really?

Besides sharing the same global greatness (ha), our skin color and my hair on a good day bear just a few similarities.…

How Donald Trump Succeeded At Showing The World Everything Wrong With America

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

Donald Trump Is Everything Wrong With America |

If Donald Trump were a flight, he’d be a one-way ticket to hell.

Yet half the country has already boarded the plane, and despite the terrible turbulence [his track record], unstable engine [his mind], and a pilot so unqualified to run anything besides his mouth, we still have people willing to take flight to Mount Misogyny anyway.…

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