The end… or the beginning?

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes

Gloria Atanmo - Life Updates - Glo Atanmo - The Blog Abroad

Could there be a more ominous title? The answer is yes. But I’ll save it for my next click-bait update 😉

In all seriousness, holy 2020. What the hell happened and how do we make it… continue!

Yep. How do we make it happen again?!

One thing I love about pain that’s what she said is how much clarity you gain on the other side.…

Documenting Growth: January Reflections & February Intentions

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes

Documenting Growth: January Reflections & February Intentions | The Blog Abroad

“Some people are so poor, that all they have is their money.” — Rodolfo Costa

This is one of many quotes that I’ve written on my mantra pad, to remember and recite whenever I feel necessary.

It can be challenging sometimes, especially as a woman who has more ambition than the average person, to be so loud and proud on her journey and not feel like society wants you to be quiet and compliant in your little corner.

If you travel somewhere and end up hating it, here’s what to do

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

If you travel somewhere and end up hating it, here's what to do | The Blog Abroad

First and foremost, I’m extremely aware of my passport privilege and this lifestyle that allows me to travel more than the average person.

But the truth is that if you travel enough, you’ll find that some places either don’t live up to its expectations, albeit slightly unrealistic (thanks, Instagram!), or feel a little bit overrated once you finally land.

I get paid to travel the world. Here are the 7 biggest lessons I’ve learned.

Estimated Reading Time: 10 minutes

I woke up in Turkey this morning, my 61st country. Ringing in 28 beautifully messy years on this planet. Warning: this post is gonna get pretty raw, so get ready for some brutal honesty, painful vulnerability, and striking revelations.

My birthday started off great. I meditated. Ate breakfast. Then opened my Spotify and saw a new “Guilty Pleasures” playlist on my home page.…

Ballin’ in Bali: The Ultimate Photo & Destination Guide

Estimated Reading Time: 10 minutes

Bali —  the one destination that’s either on everyone’s mind or everyone’s bucket lists. It is simply too magical of an island to not be desired by so many around the world.

There’s also no shortage of beauty, bliss, and beaches on Indonesia’s most popular island.

Crowds flock here year-round from every corner of the world, most notoriously, Australia, as it’s right in their “backyard”.…

10 Honest Thoughts At My First Music Festival | Ultra Europe in Split, Croatia

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes

Ultra Europe Music Festival |

Let’s start by at least trying to ignore the fact that it took me 26 years to finally catch the rave (t’hehe) of a music festival.

You hear about these things, you see your friends upload photos at them, but you never really picture yourself actually attending one. At least I never did.

But all that changed thanks to an incredible opportunity to experience my first music festival with Busabout and dozens of other eager passengers, and I was so ready to finally sit with the cool kids — festival goers.…

How To Pack Like A Pro!

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

Now, before we get carried away, I should mention that I use the word “Pro” here very generously. The idea that anyone could be a professional at parting ways with more than half of their belongings and still maintain a smile and upward position (as opposed to a fetal one while crying), is nothing short of a miracle I’ve yet to fully grasp.…

Why Terrorism Won’t Stop Me From Traveling

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

While it’s the fear-mongering media’s job to give you the play-by-play on every negative, horrific, and terror act of the world, it’s also your job to make sure you’re countering all that toxic news to fight your impending paranoia.

With the world’s population being over 7 billion people, there will be horrible and despicable ones in the playing field.…

10 Tips For Taking Stunning Travel Photos of Yourself

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

While I’d love to say there’s a hot European or a private photographer on the other side of my photos, the truth is, a majority of my pictures are taken on a self-timer or with specific instructions given to a nearby stranger (bless their hearts).

So I’m going to break down how to take those stunning, Instagram-worthy photos if you travel by yourself, as well as ways to go about asking a stranger, who to look for, and what you can do to ensure someone you just met can take a quality photo for you.…

Dear America: Stop Feeling Awkward About Black History Month

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

Dear America, stop feeling awkward about Black History Month.

You know what’s awkward? Tip-toeing around a subject that should be celebrated and praised.

Black history isn’t as simple as allocating 28-29 days of the year to acknowledge our existence in this country.

Every time this month rolls around, news outlets do their best to step up to the plate to enlighten and educate this very interesting breed of people who still don’t understand the importance of this discussion.…

Ballin’ on a Budget in Bangkok!

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes

There’s nothing I love more than eating staining lavish grounds with my peasantry.

‘Twas the case for a few weeks during my time in Thailand back in October, where I felt like certified baller status was achieved due to the extremely low cost of living.

You ever feel so rich that you’re tempted to wipe your @%$ with money?…

From Thailand to the Highlands: A Week in Scotland

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

scottish highlands skye high tour

Okay, so before this gets awkward, I have to confess, I went to Scotland from Vietnam, but for the sake of a rhyming and catchy title, let’s just go with Thailand.

In my weak-armed defense, I was in Thailand before I arrived to Vietnam, so technically, it’s the truth 😉

Right, now that we’ve got that out the way… let’s talk about my trip to the Scottish Highlands.…

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