Group Trips with Glo | Suggestions + Start of Portugal!

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

As I sit here in my cozy Airbnb in Lisbon, one of the most colorful and vivacious cities in Europe, I can’t help but feel anxious to get my first group trip in this electric country underway!

A few months ago, I partnered with TrovaTrip to announce I’d be opening up a group trip exclusively for my audience and blog readers!…

Why Egypt Should Move to the Top of Your Bucket List

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes

If your idea of what Egypt is like stops at the image of the Pyramids of Giza, then you are greatly mistaken about the layers of history and beauty that’s waiting to be found in this country.

Egypt is a country that’s been on my mind for a while, and it’s a place many of my friends have expressed the desire to travel to, but they’re typically hesitant about doing it alone.…

Sri Lanka: The Pearl of the Indian Ocean

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes

“But why Sri Lanka??? a friend from the U.S. asked me as I pissed my pants with excitement for this highly-anticipated adventure.

“But… why not!?” I replied, reminding her that every lesser-known destination is a beautiful gem waiting to be discovered.

What intrigued me most about Sri Lanka was how nobody I knew had been there yet.…

The Best Way To See Peru + Machu Picchu

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes

While it’s no secret, people travel thousands of miles across the globe to witness one of the New Seven Wonders of the World in Machu Picchu, the reality is, if you come to Peru, just for that, there’s a multitude of beauty you’ll be missing out on.

Peru is a magnetic and diverse country, full of some of the most kind-hearted and warm-spirited people you’ll ever meet.…

6 Things I Loved About Visiting Jordan

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes

Visiting Jordan |

While the year is barely at its halfway mark, I can easily name Jordan as one of my top 5 destinations from 2016 so far.

And I’ve been to a loooot of places this year. We started with my book tour across North America, from my alma mater at Baker University to Chicago to Toronto, then New York, Ireland, England, Cyprus, Israel, Jordan, Greece, Italy, and now Switzerland where I’m currently writing this from.…

Visiting Israel: The Side The Media ‘Forgot’ To Show You

Estimated Reading Time: 10 minutes

The West Bank |

Close your eyes for a second and I want you to think of as many images of Israel as you can.

Now open them, and tell me what you saw.

Anything like this?

How about this?

Maybe something like this?

And surely, a little bit of this?

Oh — no? See, that’s the problem with the media — the overly sensationalized narrow views of the media.…

The Sensational Chaos of Vietnam

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes

Anyone who’s attempted to cross a street in Hanoi or enjoyed a night out in the Backpacker’s District of Ho Chi Minh City will tell you just how indescribably stimulating the country of Vietnam is.

Now due to my fluctuating levels of maturity in the context of all things stimulating (LOL, huh?), I struggled to find another word that did this country justice.…

From Thailand to the Highlands: A Week in Scotland

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

scottish highlands skye high tour

Okay, so before this gets awkward, I have to confess, I went to Scotland from Vietnam, but for the sake of a rhyming and catchy title, let’s just go with Thailand.

In my weak-armed defense, I was in Thailand before I arrived to Vietnam, so technically, it’s the truth 😉

Right, now that we’ve got that out the way… let’s talk about my trip to the Scottish Highlands.…

Visiting Vietnam: 40 Years Post-War [WARNING: Some Graphic Images]

Estimated Reading Time: 10 minutes

vietnam, war, america

I knew I’d experience a varied range of emotions while learning more about the history of the war between Vietnam and America.

At times I felt AWKWARD.

Other times I felt DEFENSIVE.

But ultimately, I felt EMPATHETIC.

You could try to avoid it. You could pretend not to notice it. You could even go as far as to tell a stranger that you’re Canadian while at the War Remnants Museum because you’re just unsure of how to feel.…

Don’t Judge a Country By Its Cover(age)

Estimated Reading Time: 8 minutes  

In an attempt to bring justice to the beauty that is the Balkan Peninsula, I wanted to give you guys a quick recap of my latest Busabout tour through a region I not only felt comfortable calling home, but would relocate to in a heartbeat if I needed a break from my nomad life.

My tour started in Istanbul, Turkey and ended in Split, Croatia passing through the countries of Greece, Albania, and Montenegro in between.…

My First Visit to a Nazi Concentration Camp

Estimated Reading Time: 12 minutes

This past Saturday marked the 70th anniversary to the end of World War II, and being in Munich, Germany I had the opportunity to to visit the first Nazi Concentration Camp that opened a few weeks after Adolf Hitler came into power.

Dachau Camp opened in 1933 as the model for the several dozens of other camps across Europe that were designed to torture and kill through medical experiments, forced labor, and mass executions.…

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