How I Used App in the Air to Navigate Covid-19 Travel

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

How I Used App in the Air to Navigate Covid-19 Travel | Gloria Atanmo -

2020 is the year we couldn’t make up if we tried. But rather than lament at the restrictions, I’m learning to how to adapt and adjust.

The only thing constant in life is change, and after quarantining for 4 months straight in my apartment (leaving just 3x total), I was ready to see if a social-distanced trip was possible in the middle of the Indian Ocean.…

Why all women should eat alone

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

Why women should all eat alone | The Blog Abroad

Many of you have probably seen the BBC News article floating around this week about a restaurant in New York (Nello is the name if you’re curious) that told a woman she couldn’t sit at the bar alone as the owner was wanting to, and I quote, “crackdown on hookers.”

How considerate. *eye roll*

But it brought attention to the much bigger picture of the stigmas placed around a woman who, by choice, wants to do something alone.…

The Ultimate Guide to Cappadocia, Turkey | Hot Air Balloon Heaven

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes

Hot Air Balloon Heaven aka Cappadocia, Turkey is one of the few places in the world where the real-life version looks better than the photos.

This Turkish town has blown up in the last decade thanks to Instagram, and though you may come here for the photos and picturesque scenery, you’ll end up leaving with friends, fun memories, and a newfound appreciation for Turkish culture.…

Why Egypt Should Move to the Top of Your Bucket List

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes

If your idea of what Egypt is like stops at the image of the Pyramids of Giza, then you are greatly mistaken about the layers of history and beauty that’s waiting to be found in this country.

Egypt is a country that’s been on my mind for a while, and it’s a place many of my friends have expressed the desire to travel to, but they’re typically hesitant about doing it alone.…

Top 12 Safest Cities For Solo Travelers

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

“What are the safest cities for solo travelers?” is a question I hear almost daily, and no doubt safety abroad shouldn’t be taken lightly, especially for those new to travel.

I never take for granted that I’ve been able to roam the globe for over 4 years, mainly solo, and have been unharmed, unscathed, and never once been robbed *knocks on all the woods*.…

7 Interesting Ways Travel Turned Me Into an Introvert

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

Extrovert turned introvert, for the love of travel.

No doubt travel is transformative, but I wasn’t prepared for all the subconscious ways it would change me for the better.

I’ve seen almost a third of the world now and what a blessing that has been. Because all those cultures, countries, and conversations I’ve seen and had in the last four years, without a doubt shape so much of who I am today.…

All Your Fears About Solo Travel, Answered Here

Estimated Reading Time: 10 minutes

I blame the media. I blame society. I blame our country.

Collectively, they’ve succeeded at making the world out to be this terrifying space of rapists, assaulters, and creeps. And I’m not just talking about Donald Trump’s residence.

But outside of that and our country, the idea that the world is something to be terrified of, especially if you venture alone is something I want to try to help debunk, because the reality is the fears we have only exists inside our heads.…

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