Documenting Growth: January Reflections & February Intentions

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes

Documenting Growth: January Reflections & February Intentions | The Blog Abroad

“Some people are so poor, that all they have is their money.” — Rodolfo Costa

This is one of many quotes that I’ve written on my mantra pad, to remember and recite whenever I feel necessary.

It can be challenging sometimes, especially as a woman who has more ambition than the average person, to be so loud and proud on her journey and not feel like society wants you to be quiet and compliant in your little corner.

Traveling While Black: So Where Are You Really From?

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

Traveling While Black: So Where Are You Really From? The Blog Abroad

If you’re Black, Asian, Latinx, or racially ambiguous in the slightest, but were born in a first world country, it’s likely that you’ve been on the receiving end of this question: “but where are you REALLY from?”

And I’m not referring to the friendly small talk where this question springs up from genuine curiosity. I’ve been mistaken for Brazilian, Colombian, Jamaican, South African, and more — from people trying to figure out what box to put me in.…

I get paid to travel the world. Here are the 7 biggest lessons I’ve learned.

Estimated Reading Time: 10 minutes

I woke up in Turkey this morning, my 61st country. Ringing in 28 beautifully messy years on this planet. Warning: this post is gonna get pretty raw, so get ready for some brutal honesty, painful vulnerability, and striking revelations.

My birthday started off great. I meditated. Ate breakfast. Then opened my Spotify and saw a new “Guilty Pleasures” playlist on my home page.…

4th Anniversary of + Advice to Aspiring Bloggers

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes

I re-wrote the first sentence of this blog post at least 10x, only to have this lazy cop-out of an opener be what I ended up running with. *sigh* I suck.

But can you believe I’ve been blogging for a whole 16 [yes, SIXTEEN] years, and travel blogging for 4 of them?

And even after all these years, I still get slight anxiety every time I hit the PUBLISH button with my subpar intro sentences and sometimes debatable/clickbait[able] content.…

Why I’m Leaving America Indefinitely & What Happens Next…

Estimated Reading Time: 10 minutes

I think I’m pretty (stop the sentence here, JK) overdue for a personal post with some life updates. Because a lot has happened and changed in a short amount of time, and I’m still trying to grasp and make sense of it all.

I’ve been a bit reclusive lately, finding sufficient company by the crowd of my own thoughts.…

The Price Of Living The Dream

Estimated Reading Time: 6 minutes

While I’m 100% aware of how fortunate and blessed I feel every morning to wake up and do what never really feels like work, I think there’s a voice missing from the conversation that’s so important, especially if you’ve ever found yourself scrolling through my or another traveler’s Instagram feed, feeling inadequate about your own life.…

10 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started Traveling

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

I’ve spent over 1,000 days traveling and living abroad, and while some of those days I feel equipped to run a nation, and other times, I’m a mere breakdown away from resorting to pampers, the happy medium in there reminds me that the growth has been incredible over time.

And for those who are about to embark on long-term travel for the first time, I hope this post can help give you some insight as to what there is to know about the crazy world of travel.…

The Worst Part About My Travels As A Solo, Black Woman

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes

While I’m the first to encourage my fellow African-Americans to spread them transatlantic wings to hop across the pond and join me in Europe, there’s a part that I’m always hesitant to open up about when it comes to the reality of our existence in some parts of the world.

And while I can’t speak for every black woman, nor every country’s views, I can share my experiences, my observations, and my discoveries, in hopes that it can prepare and even educate fellow black women as to something that is far too common, and yet, beyond our control.…

Why Terrorism Won’t Stop Me From Traveling

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

While it’s the fear-mongering media’s job to give you the play-by-play on every negative, horrific, and terror act of the world, it’s also your job to make sure you’re countering all that toxic news to fight your impending paranoia.

With the world’s population being over 7 billion people, there will be horrible and despicable ones in the playing field.…

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