Irresponsible Blogging: My $2500 Mistake

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

Irresponsible Blogging: My $2500 Mistake | The Blog Abroad | Gloria Atanmo

Some mistakes are expensive. $2500 was the particular price tag of this one.

First and foremost, welcome to all the first-time readers who are clicking on this because nosey; I want to make sure you know that I’m onto your ways, ha.

Anyways, it’s no secret that most bloggers are ashamed of the facepalm-worthy mistakes we’ve made on our journey.…

If you travel somewhere and end up hating it, here’s what to do

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

If you travel somewhere and end up hating it, here's what to do | The Blog Abroad

First and foremost, I’m extremely aware of my passport privilege and this lifestyle that allows me to travel more than the average person.

But the truth is that if you travel enough, you’ll find that some places either don’t live up to its expectations, albeit slightly unrealistic (thanks, Instagram!), or feel a little bit overrated once you finally land.

4th Anniversary of + Advice to Aspiring Bloggers

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes

I re-wrote the first sentence of this blog post at least 10x, only to have this lazy cop-out of an opener be what I ended up running with. *sigh* I suck.

But can you believe I’ve been blogging for a whole 16 [yes, SIXTEEN] years, and travel blogging for 4 of them?

And even after all these years, I still get slight anxiety every time I hit the PUBLISH button with my subpar intro sentences and sometimes debatable/clickbait[able] content.…

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