Cape Town: The Most Unique City in the World

Estimated Reading Time: 10 minutes

Cape Town, South Africa is hands down the most unique city in the world to me. Though I can only compare it to a few hundred cities in the 50+ countries I’ve trotted through, there’s something special about this place that no other city I’ve seen can offer.

There’s also a Capetonian pride that drapes the walls, mountains, and ocean that outline the city.…

Cultural Clash | Why I And Many Others Will Gladly Serve Our Husband’s Food First

Estimated Reading Time: 6 minutes

The sound of cultures clashing has such a melodic tune when perspective is gained at the end of it. Who knew such a simple question could spark so much debate, yield so many answers, and invite endless dialogue?

Last night I took to Facebook and posed the following question:

If you’re at a party with your husband (hypothetically-speaking for the singles) and the food is ready, do you prepare/fix a plate to serve him first, or do you get your plate for yourself and he does the same?

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