Attending the Sake Festival in Japan

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

There are so many reasons why Japan is my favorite country in the world, from their collective mannerism, to their nearly 100% literacy rate, to their stunning fashion, to their overall dedication to excellence.

When I think about my childhood, Nintendo64, Yoshi, Pokemon, and Sailor Moon come to mind. My guide immediately exclaimed, “Ooooh, you’re that generation.” Haha!…

Announcing Group Tours: Take a TrovaTrip with Me to Portugal!

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

UPDATE: The Italy trip has been postponed until further notice.

I couldn’t be more excited to announce the launch of my group trips this year, where I’ll be welcoming 20 people from around the world to a couple of the most beautiful countries in Europe — Italy and Portugal!

Even better, I’ll be partnering with a company called TrovaTrip who have a finely-curated itinerary that’ll help us highlight the best of both countries.…

I’ve seen a third of the world’s countries, these are my 10 favorite…

Estimated Reading Time: 10 minutes

When I think about how much beauty around the world I’ve been blessed to see across 60+ countries on 6 continents, I can’t help but have every destination flash before my eyes.

But it’s no secret that there are some places that tug at your heart just a little stronger than others.

This list might change by the year or even month, but as of January 2018, these are my current thoughts on the most-coveted question of which countries are my favorite.…

The Blog Abroad’s Top 10 Hate Comments From 2017

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

People, for the most part, suck. But most importantly, their sucking ways aren’t limited to a specific region, gender, religion, or mental illness cause.

As a blogger, part of my job is getting criticized daily by idiots strangers who have pent up anger from being the product of multi-generational incest, so they harass people online from their lover’s [aka mother’s], basement.…

The Ultimate Guide to Immigrating to Canada in 4 Easy Steps

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

Did you know that Canada is the second largest country and first hottest prime minister in the world? Named 2017’s top destination to travel to by The New York Times and Lonely Planet, it’s no wonder why everyone is trying to visit the land of jaw-dropping national parks, friendly faces, and the infamous Tim Horton’s.

Canada is also the world’s most educated country with over half of its residents bearing college degrees, so it makes sense that there is global appeal to both visit and immigrate to Canada.…

4th Anniversary of + Advice to Aspiring Bloggers

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes

I re-wrote the first sentence of this blog post at least 10x, only to have this lazy cop-out of an opener be what I ended up running with. *sigh* I suck.

But can you believe I’ve been blogging for a whole 16 [yes, SIXTEEN] years, and travel blogging for 4 of them?

And even after all these years, I still get slight anxiety every time I hit the PUBLISH button with my subpar intro sentences and sometimes debatable/clickbait[able] content.…

Christmas Gift Ideas For Frequent Travelers In Your Life

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

‘Tis the season of corruptive and consumptive behavior joy and gift-giving to those we cherish in our lives!

Christmas shopping is easy for some and a bit more challenging for others — especially those who have that expensive hobby of traveling.

We all have that one person in our lives who’s never at home and we secretly hate them as they go from one exotic destination to the next, with no signs of slowing down any time soon.…

Top 12 Safest Cities For Solo Travelers

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

“What are the safest cities for solo travelers?” is a question I hear almost daily, and no doubt safety abroad shouldn’t be taken lightly, especially for those new to travel.

I never take for granted that I’ve been able to roam the globe for over 4 years, mainly solo, and have been unharmed, unscathed, and never once been robbed *knocks on all the woods*.…

Sri Lanka: The Pearl of the Indian Ocean

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes

“But why Sri Lanka??? a friend from the U.S. asked me as I pissed my pants with excitement for this highly-anticipated adventure.

“But… why not!?” I replied, reminding her that every lesser-known destination is a beautiful gem waiting to be discovered.

What intrigued me most about Sri Lanka was how nobody I knew had been there yet.…

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