Why I’m Leaving America Indefinitely & What Happens Next…

Estimated Reading Time: 10 minutes

I think I’m pretty (stop the sentence here, JK) overdue for a personal post with some life updates. Because a lot has happened and changed in a short amount of time, and I’m still trying to grasp and make sense of it all.

I’ve been a bit reclusive lately, finding sufficient company by the crowd of my own thoughts.…

The Blog Abroad’s Top 10 Hate Comments From 2016

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

So every year I like to compile some of my favorite and most creative insults and hate comments that are spewed my way via Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, or Twitter.

Last year’s recap is one of the most read articles on my blog, which basically confirms you guys are the worst that everybody loves drama and a little bit of sh*t talking.…

10 Things To Talk About When Your Friend Who Always Travels Comes Home

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

Remember that one friend from college who went to go find love themselves in Thailand, and then ended up embarking on a crazy world adventure, and now 3 years later, they’re coming back home and want to meet up, and you have no idea where to even start with catching up?

Ahh, bless. Those glorious low-maintenance friendships where you can go months, even years, without talking and pick things up seamlessly once you reunite in person, are the best.…

Published In Paperback: Signed Copies of My Book Now Available For Pre-Order!

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

Hi Glo,

I just wanted to let you know that pre-order links for your book are live!

It was about 4AM when I rolled over in my bed in Prishtina, Kosovo to read that message from my incredible publishing team at Thought Catalog. I rubbed my eyes a couple times, marked the email as “unread”, and refreshed my inbox.…

10 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started Traveling

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

I’ve spent over 1,000 days traveling and living abroad, and while some of those days I feel equipped to run a nation, and other times, I’m a mere breakdown away from resorting to pampers, the happy medium in there reminds me that the growth has been incredible over time.

And for those who are about to embark on long-term travel for the first time, I hope this post can help give you some insight as to what there is to know about the crazy world of travel.…

The Worst Part About My Travels As A Solo, Black Woman

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes

While I’m the first to encourage my fellow African-Americans to spread them transatlantic wings to hop across the pond and join me in Europe, there’s a part that I’m always hesitant to open up about when it comes to the reality of our existence in some parts of the world.

And while I can’t speak for every black woman, nor every country’s views, I can share my experiences, my observations, and my discoveries, in hopes that it can prepare and even educate fellow black women as to something that is far too common, and yet, beyond our control.…

Why Terrorism Won’t Stop Me From Traveling

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

While it’s the fear-mongering media’s job to give you the play-by-play on every negative, horrific, and terror act of the world, it’s also your job to make sure you’re countering all that toxic news to fight your impending paranoia.

With the world’s population being over 7 billion people, there will be horrible and despicable ones in the playing field.…

Dear America: Stop Feeling Awkward About Black History Month

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

Dear America, stop feeling awkward about Black History Month.

You know what’s awkward? Tip-toeing around a subject that should be celebrated and praised.

Black history isn’t as simple as allocating 28-29 days of the year to acknowledge our existence in this country.

Every time this month rolls around, news outlets do their best to step up to the plate to enlighten and educate this very interesting breed of people who still don’t understand the importance of this discussion.…

I finally return to America only to be told I look like…

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

I can’t help but secretly laugh at the irony of this situation and being told something I would only expect to hear in less progressive cities outside of the western world.

I was three days into being back on American soil (after being abroad for two years straight), trying hard to assimilate back into our consumeristic society.…

2015 in Rewind | The Good, The Bad, & The Awkward

Estimated Reading Time: 10 minutes

I couldn’t enter the new year without writing a quick post reviewing the whirlwind of the year I had.

It feels like just yesterday when I was writing my 2014 Year in Rewind post, which is a scary reminder at how fast and fleeting life can be.

So much has happened this year and so many of you have just started following along, that it’d almost be a disservice not to recap some highlights and crucial moments that got me where I am today.…

Home for the Holidays: Presence Over Presents

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes

SURPRISE!!! To everyone including my family — I’m back in America for the holidays!

To be honest, I started suffering from homesickness about a month ago for the first time since being abroad, and it got so bad, I was tearing up at the thought of not being home for Christmas this year.

I honestly wasn’t sure if I’d make it back in time for multiple reasons, finances being the main one, but in true holiday form, a Christmas miracle happened.…

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