The end… or the beginning?

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes

Gloria Atanmo - Life Updates - Glo Atanmo - The Blog Abroad

Could there be a more ominous title? The answer is yes. But I’ll save it for my next click-bait update 😉

In all seriousness, holy 2020. What the hell happened and how do we make it… continue!

Yep. How do we make it happen again?!

One thing I love about pain that’s what she said is how much clarity you gain on the other side.…

Identifying weakness: the real reason I chopped my hair

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes

Identifying my weakness: The real reason I chopped my hair

If you know anything about me and how I operate, I’m highly strategic about most aspects of my life.

Before I’ve done something, I’ve already mapped out why I need to do it, because the dance around the playground of pros and cons can be never-ending.

Without sounding like an extremist, I’ve always been someone who’s either all in or all out.…

My Next Chapter and the Power of Letting Go

Estimated Reading Time: 6 minutes

My Next Chapter - The Blog Abroad - Gloria Atanmo

Last week I sent an email to over 10,000 people titled, “You might want to unsubscribe. I’ve changed.” 

Dramatic, much? LOL. In typical Aries fashion, I wanted to make a bold statement letting people know that in the last 7 years that I’ve had this blog, you might’ve seen 5 different versions of me, and I’m not sure which one people are sticking around for.…

My Rollercoaster 2019: Post-Surgery Struggles, Suicidal Thoughts, & Recovery

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

My Rollercoaster 2019: Post-Surgery Struggles, Suicidal Thoughts, & Recovery |

Blogging, my old friend. It’s been a year since my last blog post, and this wasn’t how I imagined I’d return, alas, here we are.

It’s a horrifying thing to write such vulnerable accounts of your life, but I’m a firm believer that the most powerful thing you can do, is share your story, and liberate others who feel trapped and alone by their circumstances.…

29th Birthday Announcement: I Moved to Malta!

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

29th Birthday Announcement: I Moved to Malta! | The Blog Abroad

What better way to usher in the last year of your 20’s than by signing a 12-month lease on a penthouse in a small Mediterranean island under Italy?

No—I’m genuinely asking. Maybe there’s time to back out? *fires smoke signals to the far west*

As I was flipping through hundreds of journal entries that filled up my “Year 28” journal, I also quickly read over last year’s birthday reflections post and the growth is so apparent.…

I’ve been traveling with an ovarian cyst the size of a watermelon

Estimated Reading Time: 25 minutes

I've been traveling with an ovarian cyst the size of a watermelon | The Blog Abroad

Whooosah, this was hard to write. But I hope that by reading, you can walk away with the universal truth that the failure to acknowledge something’s presence has never and will never make it go away.

Getting to the root of the problem, whether in your health, finances, or broken relationships, is the only way you’ll ever find a solution, breakthrough, or closure.

Documenting Growth: January Reflections & February Intentions

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes

Documenting Growth: January Reflections & February Intentions | The Blog Abroad

“Some people are so poor, that all they have is their money.” — Rodolfo Costa

This is one of many quotes that I’ve written on my mantra pad, to remember and recite whenever I feel necessary.

It can be challenging sometimes, especially as a woman who has more ambition than the average person, to be so loud and proud on her journey and not feel like society wants you to be quiet and compliant in your little corner.

I get paid to travel the world. Here are the 7 biggest lessons I’ve learned.

Estimated Reading Time: 10 minutes

I woke up in Turkey this morning, my 61st country. Ringing in 28 beautifully messy years on this planet. Warning: this post is gonna get pretty raw, so get ready for some brutal honesty, painful vulnerability, and striking revelations.

My birthday started off great. I meditated. Ate breakfast. Then opened my Spotify and saw a new “Guilty Pleasures” playlist on my home page.…

The Blog Abroad’s Top 10 Hate Comments From 2017

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

People, for the most part, suck. But most importantly, their sucking ways aren’t limited to a specific region, gender, religion, or mental illness cause.

As a blogger, part of my job is getting criticized daily by idiots strangers who have pent up anger from being the product of multi-generational incest, so they harass people online from their lover’s [aka mother’s], basement.…

4th Anniversary of + Advice to Aspiring Bloggers

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes

I re-wrote the first sentence of this blog post at least 10x, only to have this lazy cop-out of an opener be what I ended up running with. *sigh* I suck.

But can you believe I’ve been blogging for a whole 16 [yes, SIXTEEN] years, and travel blogging for 4 of them?

And even after all these years, I still get slight anxiety every time I hit the PUBLISH button with my subpar intro sentences and sometimes debatable/clickbait[able] content.…

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