Irresponsible Blogging: My $2500 Mistake

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

Irresponsible Blogging: My $2500 Mistake | The Blog Abroad | Gloria Atanmo

Some mistakes are expensive. $2500 was the particular price tag of this one.

First and foremost, welcome to all the first-time readers who are clicking on this because nosey; I want to make sure you know that I’m onto your ways, ha.

Anyways, it’s no secret that most bloggers are ashamed of the facepalm-worthy mistakes we’ve made on our journey.…

7 reasons your blog isn’t making any money and how to fix it

Estimated Reading Time: 10 minutes

7 reasons your blog isn't making any money | The Blog Abroad

*reaches into your pockets and pulls out ashes of hopelessness* Too soon? Okay, okay, I’m not calling you broke, but let’s just say you haven’t quite figured out how your blog can pay all your bills yet.

And I’m not going to act like monetizing a blog is the easiest thing in the world either. In fact, I recently learned at a conference that I’m in the 1% of travel bloggers who make a full-time income from their blog.…

The Blog Abroad’s Top 10 Hate Comments From 2017

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

People, for the most part, suck. But most importantly, their sucking ways aren’t limited to a specific region, gender, religion, or mental illness cause.

As a blogger, part of my job is getting criticized daily by idiots strangers who have pent up anger from being the product of multi-generational incest, so they harass people online from their lover’s [aka mother’s], basement.…

4th Anniversary of + Advice to Aspiring Bloggers

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes

I re-wrote the first sentence of this blog post at least 10x, only to have this lazy cop-out of an opener be what I ended up running with. *sigh* I suck.

But can you believe I’ve been blogging for a whole 16 [yes, SIXTEEN] years, and travel blogging for 4 of them?

And even after all these years, I still get slight anxiety every time I hit the PUBLISH button with my subpar intro sentences and sometimes debatable/clickbait[able] content.…

My 10 Biggest Mistakes As a Travel Blogger

Estimated Reading Time: 15+ minutes

Look at you guys — falling over yourselves to read about my biggest mistakes and failures. Screw you all, I know why you’re here. JK.

But really, I always try to write posts like this every now and then for the sake of rare transparency in this field, especially if you look at my life or any other travel bloggers’ and think it’s perfect.…

The Price Of Living The Dream

Estimated Reading Time: 6 minutes

While I’m 100% aware of how fortunate and blessed I feel every morning to wake up and do what never really feels like work, I think there’s a voice missing from the conversation that’s so important, especially if you’ve ever found yourself scrolling through my or another traveler’s Instagram feed, feeling inadequate about your own life.…

2015 in Rewind | The Good, The Bad, & The Awkward

Estimated Reading Time: 10 minutes

I couldn’t enter the new year without writing a quick post reviewing the whirlwind of the year I had.

It feels like just yesterday when I was writing my 2014 Year in Rewind post, which is a scary reminder at how fast and fleeting life can be.

So much has happened this year and so many of you have just started following along, that it’d almost be a disservice not to recap some highlights and crucial moments that got me where I am today.…

The Blog Abroad’s Top 10 Hate Comments from 2015

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes


‘Tis true, my friends. ‘Tis true.

And as I sit here typing this from fetal position in the corner of an abandoned basement, lonely and comforted by the company of my lingering constipation due to such sh*tty comments, I just have to wonder what I did to attract such hate from these nobodies people.…

Home for the Holidays: Presence Over Presents

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes

SURPRISE!!! To everyone including my family — I’m back in America for the holidays!

To be honest, I started suffering from homesickness about a month ago for the first time since being abroad, and it got so bad, I was tearing up at the thought of not being home for Christmas this year.

I honestly wasn’t sure if I’d make it back in time for multiple reasons, finances being the main one, but in true holiday form, a Christmas miracle happened.…

Why Counting Your Countries Doesn’t Always Make You A D*ck

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

“365 countries, 12 continents, 1 billion cities, 2 planets, and counting!”

…one might read on a douchey traveler’s Instagram bio.

There’s always a heavy debate within the travel community about why you should or shouldn’t count your countries. And even if you secretly did, why that number doesn’t need to be flaunted around like a status symbol.…

6 Discoveries After 6 Months as a Full-Time Travel Blogger

Estimated Reading Time: 15 minutes

6 months ago, I left my year-long home of Barcelona and packed my life into a small, boxed suitcase, backpack, and purse, and set out on an indefinite journey to pursue my, once hobby of travel blogging, as a full-time career.

Through the laughs, tears, and inevitable stretches of perpetual brokeness, I’ve discovered so much.

It wasn’t always easy, heck to be honest, it was never easy, and it’s not because of the roadblocks, it’s in spite of them, that I can look back and feel a sense of accomplishment about it all.…

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