How I Used App in the Air to Navigate Covid-19 Travel

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

How I Used App in the Air to Navigate Covid-19 Travel | Gloria Atanmo -

2020 is the year we couldn’t make up if we tried. But rather than lament at the restrictions, I’m learning to how to adapt and adjust.

The only thing constant in life is change, and after quarantining for 4 months straight in my apartment (leaving just 3x total), I was ready to see if a social-distanced trip was possible in the middle of the Indian Ocean.…

The single greatest gift to get your friend who always travels

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

The single greatest gift to give your friend who always travels | The Blog Abroad

If there’s one thing that frequent travelers can all agree on, it’s that we dread airports. It’s a stressful and lawless place. Sandwiches cost $50, people will pass out literally anywhere, and beer is pretty much the liquid fuel of champions when you have to catch a red-eye flight.

It only took me three years to understand how much easier life is when you don’t show up to the airport an hour before your flight in a frantic panic and how the airport and everyone else is to blame except you.

Trover: The Best Photo & Tip-Sharing App For Travelers!

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

For years, the Trover app has been around serving the travel community as a way to not only connect with fellow travel enthusiasts, but to share your best photos, location-specific tips, and GPS coordinates of all your best adventures.

I actually first registered on the network back in 2015, so I’ve long known about this app, and I’m excited to get active on it again as their June Ambassador!…

The Ultimate Guide to Cappadocia, Turkey | Hot Air Balloon Heaven

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes

Hot Air Balloon Heaven aka Cappadocia, Turkey is one of the few places in the world where the real-life version looks better than the photos.

This Turkish town has blown up in the last decade thanks to Instagram, and though you may come here for the photos and picturesque scenery, you’ll end up leaving with friends, fun memories, and a newfound appreciation for Turkish culture.…

I’ve seen a third of the world’s countries, these are my 10 favorite…

Estimated Reading Time: 10 minutes

When I think about how much beauty around the world I’ve been blessed to see across 60+ countries on 6 continents, I can’t help but have every destination flash before my eyes.

But it’s no secret that there are some places that tug at your heart just a little stronger than others.

This list might change by the year or even month, but as of January 2018, these are my current thoughts on the most-coveted question of which countries are my favorite.…

Top 12 Safest Cities For Solo Travelers

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

“What are the safest cities for solo travelers?” is a question I hear almost daily, and no doubt safety abroad shouldn’t be taken lightly, especially for those new to travel.

I never take for granted that I’ve been able to roam the globe for over 4 years, mainly solo, and have been unharmed, unscathed, and never once been robbed *knocks on all the woods*.…

Sri Lanka: The Pearl of the Indian Ocean

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes

“But why Sri Lanka??? a friend from the U.S. asked me as I pissed my pants with excitement for this highly-anticipated adventure.

“But… why not!?” I replied, reminding her that every lesser-known destination is a beautiful gem waiting to be discovered.

What intrigued me most about Sri Lanka was how nobody I knew had been there yet.…

An Open Letter To The Girls With Floppy Hats & Flowing Dresses Who Travel

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

How dare you.

How dare you bother to be concerned with your looks and your photos while you’re traveling.

You’re not a real traveler. You should be in leggings or jeans, roughed up from your arduous trekking throughout the city, only able to truly experience another culture when you drop every effort to look decent while in public.…

Cape Town: The Most Unique City in the World

Estimated Reading Time: 10 minutes

Cape Town, South Africa is hands down the most unique city in the world to me. Though I can only compare it to a few hundred cities in the 50+ countries I’ve trotted through, there’s something special about this place that no other city I’ve seen can offer.

There’s also a Capetonian pride that drapes the walls, mountains, and ocean that outline the city.…

Travel or a Relationship: Why Are Women Having to Choose?

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

I’m not a man-hater most days, but I am fiercely independent. So when I get regular emails from aspiring female travelers feeling like they have to put their desire to travel on hold because their significant other isn’t comfortable with it, I cringe inside.

If you’ve ever felt like traveling the world and maintaining a relationship back home were mutually exclusive concepts, I’ve been sent here by the good Lord himself to deliver some breaking news — ’tis simply not the case.…

All Your Fears About Solo Travel, Answered Here

Estimated Reading Time: 10 minutes

I blame the media. I blame society. I blame our country.

Collectively, they’ve succeeded at making the world out to be this terrifying space of rapists, assaulters, and creeps. And I’m not just talking about Donald Trump’s residence.

But outside of that and our country, the idea that the world is something to be terrified of, especially if you venture alone is something I want to try to help debunk, because the reality is the fears we have only exists inside our heads.…

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