The Price Of Living The Dream

Estimated Reading Time: 6 minutes

While I’m 100% aware of how fortunate and blessed I feel every morning to wake up and do what never really feels like work, I think there’s a voice missing from the conversation that’s so important, especially if you’ve ever found yourself scrolling through my or another traveler’s Instagram feed, feeling inadequate about your own life.…

The 10 Most Ridiculous Pick-Up Lines I Got From Italian Men

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

Now before we dive into half the reason you all clicked this article to begin with (hi pervs), it’s hard not to laugh at the boldness of the gorgeous, and too-aggressive-for-my-taste, ways of some of the Italian speciMEN of this world.

Disclaimer: I have many Italian male friends who are lovely people, and I hope they don’t read this, but if they do, Hi and tell your friends/neighbors/male compadres that this is both counterproductive and creepy if their goal is to woo a foreigner like me.

10 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started Traveling

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

I’ve spent over 1,000 days traveling and living abroad, and while some of those days I feel equipped to run a nation, and other times, I’m a mere breakdown away from resorting to pampers, the happy medium in there reminds me that the growth has been incredible over time.

And for those who are about to embark on long-term travel for the first time, I hope this post can help give you some insight as to what there is to know about the crazy world of travel.…

How To Travel & Not Make Your Friends Jealous

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

If you clicked this article, chances are, you can relate to going on a trip, posting about it, and feeling the subconscious guilt from friends who commented, “ugggh, JEALOUS!” or “OMG, I want your life!” or my personal favorite, “I hate you!”

Ahhh, yes. Friends are great, aren’t they?

You see, before I left my 1-year home of Barcelona last July, I went on what turned into a crazy 4-month and 10-country spree around Europe and Southeast Asia with Busabout (see my 2016 itinerary here)!…

Why Terrorism Won’t Stop Me From Traveling

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

While it’s the fear-mongering media’s job to give you the play-by-play on every negative, horrific, and terror act of the world, it’s also your job to make sure you’re countering all that toxic news to fight your impending paranoia.

With the world’s population being over 7 billion people, there will be horrible and despicable ones in the playing field.…

Dear America: Stop Feeling Awkward About Black History Month

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

Dear America, stop feeling awkward about Black History Month.

You know what’s awkward? Tip-toeing around a subject that should be celebrated and praised.

Black history isn’t as simple as allocating 28-29 days of the year to acknowledge our existence in this country.

Every time this month rolls around, news outlets do their best to step up to the plate to enlighten and educate this very interesting breed of people who still don’t understand the importance of this discussion.…

I finally return to America only to be told I look like…

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

I can’t help but secretly laugh at the irony of this situation and being told something I would only expect to hear in less progressive cities outside of the western world.

I was three days into being back on American soil (after being abroad for two years straight), trying hard to assimilate back into our consumeristic society.…

The Blog Abroad’s Top 10 Hate Comments from 2015

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes


‘Tis true, my friends. ‘Tis true.

And as I sit here typing this from fetal position in the corner of an abandoned basement, lonely and comforted by the company of my lingering constipation due to such sh*tty comments, I just have to wonder what I did to attract such hate from these nobodies people.…

Why Counting Your Countries Doesn’t Always Make You A D*ck

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

“365 countries, 12 continents, 1 billion cities, 2 planets, and counting!”

…one might read on a douchey traveler’s Instagram bio.

There’s always a heavy debate within the travel community about why you should or shouldn’t count your countries. And even if you secretly did, why that number doesn’t need to be flaunted around like a status symbol.…

6 Discoveries After 6 Months as a Full-Time Travel Blogger

Estimated Reading Time: 15 minutes

6 months ago, I left my year-long home of Barcelona and packed my life into a small, boxed suitcase, backpack, and purse, and set out on an indefinite journey to pursue my, once hobby of travel blogging, as a full-time career.

Through the laughs, tears, and inevitable stretches of perpetual brokeness, I’ve discovered so much.

It wasn’t always easy, heck to be honest, it was never easy, and it’s not because of the roadblocks, it’s in spite of them, that I can look back and feel a sense of accomplishment about it all.…

10 Ways To Make A Cat-Calling Experience More Enjoyable (Less Creepy)

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

Cat-calling. The foolproof way to spot men who were dropped on their heads multiple times as babies.

As a solo traveler, I’ve encountered them in every shape and size, as they shamelessly pursue and annoy the living crap out of women who are simply minding their own business.

Their goal is to get your attention, make you uncomfortable, and beg for acknowledgement of their oversized ego that unmistakably compensates for their undersized penis.…

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