The end… or the beginning?

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes

Gloria Atanmo - Life Updates - Glo Atanmo - The Blog Abroad

Could there be a more ominous title? The answer is yes. But I’ll save it for my next click-bait update 😉

In all seriousness, holy 2020. What the hell happened and how do we make it… continue!

Yep. How do we make it happen again?!

One thing I love about pain that’s what she said is how much clarity you gain on the other side.…

“Racism isn’t getting worse— it’s just getting filmed.”

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

"Racism isn't getting worse— it's getting filmed." - Gloria Atanmo // The Blog Abroad

“Racism isn’t getting worse— it’s just getting filmed.” Will Smith had it right when he said this a while ago.

I don’t speak for the Black community; I speak with them. And I’d apologize for my tone, but you’ll just have to excuse my manners as my exhaustion and hopelessness for this country is the only voice I can speak with right now.…

Irresponsible Blogging: My $2500 Mistake

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

Irresponsible Blogging: My $2500 Mistake | The Blog Abroad | Gloria Atanmo

Some mistakes are expensive. $2500 was the particular price tag of this one.

First and foremost, welcome to all the first-time readers who are clicking on this because nosey; I want to make sure you know that I’m onto your ways, ha.

Anyways, it’s no secret that most bloggers are ashamed of the facepalm-worthy mistakes we’ve made on our journey.…

Identifying weakness: the real reason I chopped my hair

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes

Identifying my weakness: The real reason I chopped my hair

If you know anything about me and how I operate, I’m highly strategic about most aspects of my life.

Before I’ve done something, I’ve already mapped out why I need to do it, because the dance around the playground of pros and cons can be never-ending.

Without sounding like an extremist, I’ve always been someone who’s either all in or all out.…

WARNING: Tiger King is immensely triggering

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

Tiger King is triggering for empaths | The Blog Abroad

In the past few days, the world quickly became united by two subjects: Covid-19 and Tiger King. The year is 2020 and this is real life.

Trying to make the most of these uncertain times we’re in, I figured I’d indulge in what seemed to be written off as garbage TV and cheap entertainment.

Not a single thing I saw or read beforehand would’ve prepared me for what eventually played out, and that’s the sole motivation for writing this now.…

My Rollercoaster 2019: Post-Surgery Struggles, Suicidal Thoughts, & Recovery

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

My Rollercoaster 2019: Post-Surgery Struggles, Suicidal Thoughts, & Recovery |

Blogging, my old friend. It’s been a year since my last blog post, and this wasn’t how I imagined I’d return, alas, here we are.

It’s a horrifying thing to write such vulnerable accounts of your life, but I’m a firm believer that the most powerful thing you can do, is share your story, and liberate others who feel trapped and alone by their circumstances.…

I’ve been traveling with an ovarian cyst the size of a watermelon

Estimated Reading Time: 25 minutes

I've been traveling with an ovarian cyst the size of a watermelon | The Blog Abroad

Whooosah, this was hard to write. But I hope that by reading, you can walk away with the universal truth that the failure to acknowledge something’s presence has never and will never make it go away.

Getting to the root of the problem, whether in your health, finances, or broken relationships, is the only way you’ll ever find a solution, breakthrough, or closure.

If you travel somewhere and end up hating it, here’s what to do

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

If you travel somewhere and end up hating it, here's what to do | The Blog Abroad

First and foremost, I’m extremely aware of my passport privilege and this lifestyle that allows me to travel more than the average person.

But the truth is that if you travel enough, you’ll find that some places either don’t live up to its expectations, albeit slightly unrealistic (thanks, Instagram!), or feel a little bit overrated once you finally land.

Traveling While Black: So Where Are You Really From?

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

Traveling While Black: So Where Are You Really From? The Blog Abroad

If you’re Black, Asian, Latinx, or racially ambiguous in the slightest, but were born in a first world country, it’s likely that you’ve been on the receiving end of this question: “but where are you REALLY from?”

And I’m not referring to the friendly small talk where this question springs up from genuine curiosity. I’ve been mistaken for Brazilian, Colombian, Jamaican, South African, and more — from people trying to figure out what box to put me in.…

Why all women should eat alone

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

Why women should all eat alone | The Blog Abroad

Many of you have probably seen the BBC News article floating around this week about a restaurant in New York (Nello is the name if you’re curious) that told a woman she couldn’t sit at the bar alone as the owner was wanting to, and I quote, “crackdown on hookers.”

How considerate. *eye roll*

But it brought attention to the much bigger picture of the stigmas placed around a woman who, by choice, wants to do something alone.…

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