How I Used App in the Air to Navigate Covid-19 Travel

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

How I Used App in the Air to Navigate Covid-19 Travel | Gloria Atanmo -

2020 is the year we couldn’t make up if we tried. But rather than lament at the restrictions, I’m learning to how to adapt and adjust.

The only thing constant in life is change, and after quarantining for 4 months straight in my apartment (leaving just 3x total), I was ready to see if a social-distanced trip was possible in the middle of the Indian Ocean.…

Why all women should eat alone

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

Why women should all eat alone | The Blog Abroad

Many of you have probably seen the BBC News article floating around this week about a restaurant in New York (Nello is the name if you’re curious) that told a woman she couldn’t sit at the bar alone as the owner was wanting to, and I quote, “crackdown on hookers.”

How considerate. *eye roll*

But it brought attention to the much bigger picture of the stigmas placed around a woman who, by choice, wants to do something alone.…

The Sad Truth About Racism In Every Country

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

There’s a question I get 10x more than any other one when it comes to my blog, and it involves traveling while black — one of the biggest crimes of America indicators that we are nowhere near a post-racial society.

By the way, if you’ve never had to question whether a certain country might treat your race or skin color differently than everyone else, that is the definition of privilege.…

Visiting Israel: The Side The Media ‘Forgot’ To Show You

Estimated Reading Time: 10 minutes

The West Bank |

Close your eyes for a second and I want you to think of as many images of Israel as you can.

Now open them, and tell me what you saw.

Anything like this?

How about this?

Maybe something like this?

And surely, a little bit of this?

Oh — no? See, that’s the problem with the media — the overly sensationalized narrow views of the media.…

10 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started Traveling

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

I’ve spent over 1,000 days traveling and living abroad, and while some of those days I feel equipped to run a nation, and other times, I’m a mere breakdown away from resorting to pampers, the happy medium in there reminds me that the growth has been incredible over time.

And for those who are about to embark on long-term travel for the first time, I hope this post can help give you some insight as to what there is to know about the crazy world of travel.…

The Worst Part About My Travels As A Solo, Black Woman

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes

While I’m the first to encourage my fellow African-Americans to spread them transatlantic wings to hop across the pond and join me in Europe, there’s a part that I’m always hesitant to open up about when it comes to the reality of our existence in some parts of the world.

And while I can’t speak for every black woman, nor every country’s views, I can share my experiences, my observations, and my discoveries, in hopes that it can prepare and even educate fellow black women as to something that is far too common, and yet, beyond our control.…

Why Terrorism Won’t Stop Me From Traveling

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

While it’s the fear-mongering media’s job to give you the play-by-play on every negative, horrific, and terror act of the world, it’s also your job to make sure you’re countering all that toxic news to fight your impending paranoia.

With the world’s population being over 7 billion people, there will be horrible and despicable ones in the playing field.…

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