'Merica Keepin' It Real The Black Experience

“Racism isn’t getting worse— it’s just getting filmed.”

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

"Racism isn't getting worse— it's getting filmed." - Gloria Atanmo // The Blog Abroad

“Racism isn’t getting worse— it’s just getting filmed.” Will Smith had it right when he said this a while ago.

I don’t speak for the Black community; I speak with them. And I’d apologize for my tone, but you’ll just have to excuse my manners as my exhaustion and hopelessness for this country is the only voice I can speak with right now.

You see, whenever Black people hear of yet another racist murder, our timeline of grief looks something like this:



  3. RAGE



Rinse and repeat x 134,737,245,234,778,256

You see, as your privilege keeps you emotionally detached from picturing your Black brother, father, husband, uncle, or cousin going through something like that, life goes on as usual.

Cities across America are rising up in protests and demonstrations and while I will never condone violence, I F*CKING GET IT.

This community is tired of being silenced, ignored, oppressed, and disregarded as being less than human, generation after generation. You’ll find dogs that get treated better than Black people do.

Violence is the language of the unheard and scarring public tissue is the ultimate cry for help. Click To Tweet

Buildings are replaceable; lives aren’t.

"Racism isn't getting worse— it's getting filmed." - Gloria Atanmo // The Blog Abroad

Lest we forget, even Jesus had to flip tables to get His point across, so if you think for a second you should call out the chaos without bringing attention to the issue that caused it, don't. Click To Tweet

No, it is not my responsibility to answer your questions, so please refer to Google or the resources linked below.

Black people, I want to remind you that activism has multiple layers.

Whether you’re on the frontlines protesting, at home making phone calls, donating to organizations spearheading change, or simply avoiding the Internet and loving on your Black brothers because you’re just happy to have them around.

All of that is valid and don’t let anyone guilt you for speaking too loud or not speaking loud enough.

Our self-care is paramount.

This morning I woke up again in the stage of HOPELESSNESS as that’s become my default, and during my meditation, I was reminded of this starfish parable.

A woman was on the beach throwing starfish back into the ocean one by one.

A man came along and asked what she was doing.

She told him that she was just saving the starfish.

He looked at the thousands of starfish on the shoreline and said, “It’s impossible to save them all, so what difference does it make?”

She picked up another and chucked it in the ocean and said, “I made a difference to that one.”

Please remind yourselves that even in your smallest actions, you’re able to cause a ripple effect to invite the wave of change.

If you’re white and want to do better about using your privilege as a platform, go here.

If you’re Black and have been suffering from anxiety and trauma from all of this, go here.

If you’re somewhere in between, whether stateside or abroad and want to show your support, then say something online, during work Zoom calls, or at the dinner table with your family, and if the thought of that makes you feel uncomfortable, then it’s all the more necessary.

A close friend who works in a corporate all-white office shared how going into work today was triggering in itself.

She felt like her co-workers tip-toed around her all day and couldn’t even make eye contact. And while you might not know what to say, acting like this makes it worse.

So many of us have to modify ourselves in corporate settings or otherwise to earn the slightest bit of respect, because we know our presence makes [white] people uncomfortable.

I can't count the number of times I've walked into a store and purchased something out of guilt because I'm terrified they'd accuse me of stealing if I walked out empty-handed. Click To Tweet

So if you feel uncomfortable now; try a lifetime of this.

The least you can do is acknowledge our pain and let us know you support us. You’re not 12, use your big boy and big girl words people.

And as I continue protecting my peace and mental health during this time, I’m reminded that in my pursuit to help others, I must first look after myself. And right now, that’s avoiding social media and most forms of communication with others.

Thanks for understanding.


"Racism isn't getting worse— it's getting filmed." - Gloria Atanmo // The Blog Abroad

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Expensive dreams with an affordable hustle. Glo is on a mission to show others that there's a world of knowledge out there that can't be taught in a classroom. Let's explore a life beyond our imaginations to reach new heights and gain new perspectives. There's no way in hell I was put on this Earth to just pay bills and die. Newsflash: neither were you.


  1. This is brilliant, and I thank you for taking the time to share all of it. Love you Glo, you make a difference in everything you do.

  2. I hear you, 100%. Thank you for the sharing the anti-racism resources, as well. I just published a blog post about how this should matter to travel writers, and linked to the resources and to this post.

    (Also, off-topic, I loved your talk at TravelCon last year. Thanks for being an inspiration!)


  3. Great post!! This is the time for all minorities to raise there voice and speak up so we can move forward and leave racism behind us. We are all one, we come for Adam and Eve, and together we will be stronger then ever if we are united.

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