Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes
Some mistakes are expensive. $2500 was the particular price tag of this one.
First and foremost, welcome to all the first-time readers who are clicking on this because nosey; I want to make sure you know that I’m onto your ways, ha.
Anyways, it’s no secret that most bloggers are ashamed of the facepalm-worthy mistakes we’ve made on our journey.
But what good is having a platform if you don’t humble yourself and show people the mistakes you’ve learned from along the way.
And though mistakes don’t quite fit with our Instagram aesthetic, these blog posts are the next best thing.
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If there was ever a notion that I was perfect, what are you smoking?!, I want to swiftly dismantle that idea and remind you guys that I was living on $10/day for the majority of my travels, never had a proper savings account until 2 years ago, and took more risks than doctors prescribe necessary.
You know how they say it’s best to travel while you’re young? Well, it’s not even about age. It’s about the uncalculated foolery you’re prone to on the way.
You do stoooopid @$% things when you feel like you’ve got nothing to lose.
And now my ancient self is like, Yoooooo, 30-YEAR-OLD GLO WOULD NEVER! So thank God I got that out of my system when I did.
Anyways, here’s the backstory.
It was 2018 and business was pawwwwpin.
I was getting pitched up to a dozen times a day.
My blog was at its peak, features and reposts were a daily occurrence, and I had flown over 135,000 miles that year [mostly on the dime of brands], visited 30 new countries, and was living my got damn best life. Peep the video for a quick highlight reel!
I definitely let the lifestyle get to my head and I was humbled in the best way possible.
As I was juggling red-eye flights and free luxury stays in all my top bucket list destinations, the email hit my inbox and I froze.
To paraphrase, they thanked me for my time (not really, they were pretty upset I wasted theirs), and stated they no longer wanted to pursue the contract we put in place.
And this is where content creators should take heed; most brands have a clause that protects them should they choose to withdraw from a contract at the last minute for any reason.
If you have a lawyer on retainer, you can always counter clause with your own stipulations, but Glo wasn’t that smart yet, so I was my own lawyer, manager, and negotiator.
My blog post was one day late, but the truth was, I honestly didn’t even have it on my to-do list. I completely forgot about it.
I was too busy gettin’ lit in Lebanese clubs that I missed the deadline.
Never get so caught up in the life you've attained, that you stop doing the work that got you there. Click To Tweet
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In fact, I had missed the multiple emails they’d been sending to check in on the progress of said blog post.
My negligent ways had cost me the $2500 paycheck I would’ve received for a blog post that would take me roughly an hour to write.
$2500 is a GREAT hourly rate, not to mention, only a few brands are handing out these kind of paychecks for blog posts.
The hardest pill to swallow now? They’ve completely blown up over the last 2 years and are now valued at just over 18 billion [yes, dassa B] dollars, and what started as a blog post could’ve grown into a five-figure ambassador role.
Whether you’re a blogger/content creator or someone on the outside looking in, there is really good money to be made in this industry, and I rather make it with 5 brands I really love, than with 20 brands that are mediocre.
This was a top 5 caliber brand for sure.
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So in actuality, the mistake cost much more than $2500, but it’s also helped me take deadlines more seriously.
One could argue that this was a necessary price to pay to learn this lesson.
You might watch my Instagram stories and wonder why I have such a strict daily agenda, and it’s because I never want to feel that lump in my throat from letting a brand down who believed in me.
Money aside, you don’t get a second chance at a first impression of your work ethic.
It’s been over two years and it still stings to think about, because that brand will never try to work with me again.
So now, I’m obsessive with my agenda and I do my best to show up and show out in everything I do.
Meeting deadlines was by far the hardest part about full-time travel, and that’s why this next chapter of stillness has been so sacred for me.

When I TELL you I’ve been waiting for this story!! 🤯😯
LOL, thanks for reading!
Thanks for sharing this story. What a good lesson to share. As I was reading your story though I was nervous for you, I could totally imagine freezing up as well when I read their email about being a day late and being upset. At the same time, this reminds me of how I need to make sure I improve my organization skills lol. 🙂
Wawu! Not a good experience to experience, o! *straight face*
Thanks for being open and sharing this. Lessonssss learned!
At the point when I TELL you I’ve been sitting tight for this story!!
Thank you for this, first time on your blog and I learnt a thing and more♥️😊👏
As a newbie blogger you have no idea how much it means to me to read the lessons more seasoned bloggers learn along their journey. The lesson you’ve learnt with this is something I will now forever take take heed to in the future should I get the opportunity. Thanks so much for your wonderfully honest and hilarious recall!
Well, no one talking about their mistakes. You are a good & kind person that you share your story so that others cann’t do the same mistake.
Mistakes are good that makes you perfect and gives you a lesson for life.
Lots of love, Keep going.
Hi Glo,
Whoosh, reading your post gave me the chills. Thanks for breaking down for us and sharing with us your losses and wins.
I look forward in learning from you.
Best regards and safe travels,
Wow this takes a lot of courage to talk about past mistakes, especially a big one like this! Thanks for sharing and being honest.
I have to admit, this is my first time reading your blog and I read this post first, because you’re right — I was nosey! But thank you for sharing your experience so we beginners can learn from your mistake. I’m too new to be offered any job yet but when the time comes, I’ll keep this lesson in mind.