Barbados Tourism Hosts First All Black Female Influencer Trip

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

Black Girl Magic meets Barbados. It was only a matter of time before something like this happened. It needed to happen. It was long overdue. My hats off to Danny Mitchell, founder of Black Girls Travel Too, for being the brains [and beauty] behind this vision that would bring Black women together under one common goal to share the beauty of Barbados with our audiences and the world.…

Sri Lanka: The Pearl of the Indian Ocean

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes

“But why Sri Lanka??? a friend from the U.S. asked me as I pissed my pants with excitement for this highly-anticipated adventure.

“But… why not!?” I replied, reminding her that every lesser-known destination is a beautiful gem waiting to be discovered.

What intrigued me most about Sri Lanka was how nobody I knew had been there yet.…

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